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1999.10.18 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1999 CC Minutes
1999.10.18 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of October 18, 1999 <br />Page 3 <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Haas, Stoltzman <br />VOTING NAY: Leroux, Petryk <br />Motion Carried. <br />CIVIL, PENALTIES HEARING (RICCI'S OF HUGO) <br />A hearing had been scheduled for 7:30 pm to consider whether "Ricci's of Hugo, Inc.," is guilty of <br />violating the conditions of the license to sell liquor in the City of Hugo by selling an alcoholic beverage to <br />an underage person on or about July 29, 1999. Mr. Bo Bogatty, owner of Ricci's, requested to delay the <br />hearing until November, 1999, as he will be out of town on the evening of the 18th. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Petryk seconded, to change the hearing date to November /, 1999, at 7:00 pm. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />HEARING (HORTON CUP) <br />A hearing was scheduled for tonight's meeting to consider what action should be taken by the City <br />regarding Mr. Norm Horton's failure to enter into a revised Conditional Use Permit with the City of <br />Hugo for the operation of an automobile recycling facility on his property at 16813 Forest Blvd. Staff <br />had previously negotiated a revised CUP with Mr. Horton's attorney, who indicated that Mr. Horton was <br />agreeable to the permit and would post the necessary securities. The Council approved the revised CUP <br />on June 7, 1999. As yet, the City has not received a signed copy of the CUP from Mr. Horton, nor the <br />necessary performance securities. Attorney Galler stated that Mr. Horton was agreeable to an annual <br />bond rather than a three-year bond. He also requested that he be given 60 days to correct any problems <br />rather than have an immediate revocation of his permit. <br />Barnes made motion, Leroux seconded, to approve the Conditional Use Permit for Norman Horton <br />subject to the requested changes. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />TOWNHOMES OF BALD EAGLE LAKE <br />At the Council meeting of October 4, 1999, action was tabled on a request by Mr. Mike Black of Royal <br />Oaks Realty, that two loop roads and a cul-de-sac within the proposed the Townhomes of Bald Eagle <br />development be constructed as private drives, and that the condition of preliminary plat approval for the <br />development stating that 130th Street shall connect to Fenway Boulevard, and be removed. Staff <br />reviewed the issue regarding the private drives and necessary road right-of-way, and provided a <br />recommendation to the Council. Council member Petryk felt that the transportation study did not <br />accurately identify the number of trips generated by the townhomes. Council member Barnes stated that <br />much of the increased traffic on Ethan Avenue was generated by development in Lino Lakes; she also <br />stated that she will not form an opinion on public versus private roads until the moratorium study is <br />completed. Mike Black again stated his belief that their site plan was the best use of the property. No <br />further action was taken; action taken for preliminary plan on August 16, 1999 stands. <br />
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