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City Council meeting of November 1, 1999 <br />Page 3 <br />REZONING REQUEST (MCELMURY) <br />Mr. Robert T. McElmury, 1923 Stillwater St., White Bear Lake, applied to rezone approximately 0.65 <br />acres on 129th Street North, near the north end of Bald Eagle Lake, from Urban Residential to <br />Residential Service. The property is part of Government Lot 1, Sec. 31, T31N, R21 W, and is currently <br />operated as Bobber's Boats and Bait. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the <br />application during their regular meeting of October 27, 1999, at which time they recommended denial of <br />the rezoning as it was inconsistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and conflicted with adjacent <br />residential property uses. The Planning Commission's specific concerns were that this may be <br />considered spot zoning and the reclassification of the property to residential service may allow intrusive <br />commercial uses into a residential neighborhood without adequate streets to serve commercial demands. <br />Barnes made motion, Petryk seconded, to deny McElmury's request to rezone from Urban Residential to <br />Residential Service in accordance with the recommendation made by the Planning Commission. <br />AYES: Barnes, Haas, Leroux, Petryk, Stoltzman <br />Motion carried. <br />CIVIL PENALTY HEARING (RICCI'S) <br />Mayor Stoltzman called to order the hearing to consider if Mr. BoRaymond Bogotty, doing business at <br />Senor Ricci's, 14777 Forest Boulevard, Hugo, violated the conditions of his license to sell alcohol <br />beverages in the community by selling alcohol to a minor on or about July 29, 1999. Mr. Bogotty was <br />found in violation of the same offense on November 18, 1999, after furnishing alcohol to a person under <br />21 years of age, at the same establishment, on March 2, 1999. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Haas, Leroux, Petryk, Stoltzman <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />City Attorney, Dave Snyder <br />BoRaymond Bogotty, Owner of Ricci's <br />Mayor Stoltzman summarized the allegation against Ricci's. Bogotty, representing himself, stated he <br />should not be punished for the actions of his bartender, since she was not an employee but an <br />independent contractor. After all testimony was presented to the Council, the following motion was <br />made: <br />Barnes made motion, Petryk seconded, to make a finding that a violation of Hugo City Code Chapter <br />150, Sec. 10, Subd. 3 and Minnesota Statutes Section 340A.503, Sudb. 2 (1) has been proved based <br />upon the evidence and information received by the Council at this hearing. <br />AYES: Barnes, Haas, Leroux, Petryk, Stoltzman <br />Motion carried. <br />