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1999.12.06 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1999 CC Minutes
1999.12.06 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of December 6, 1999 <br />Page 7 <br />Silver Lake and White Bear Lake, with trail connections to the Gateway Segment of the Willard Munger <br />State Trail and other regional trails. The agency has received a $175,000 grant from the state for its <br />planning activities. The organization requested that the City appoint a staff member to serve on the <br />technical advisory committee, and a citizen from the community to serve on the Citizens Advisory Team <br />for the project. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Barnes seconded, that the City recommend that Ms. Laurie McRostie be <br />appointed as the technical representative, and Tim Agness, if he accepts, be appointed to serve on the <br />Citizens Advisory Team. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CITY WEBSITE <br />The City Administrator obtained two quotes for the development of a City website to provide <br />information on the community to its residents and other interested parties. Media Junction, 6995 20th <br />Avenue South, Centerville, MN., has offered to prepare the website, with the City providing text and <br />photos, at a cost of $6,400, and provide a host computer for the site, at the fee of $100 per month. <br />Future changes to the website would be billed at a rate of $90/hr. Hugo Consulting, 5474 137th Street, <br />Hugo, has offered to prepare the website for $2,500; site maintenance and technical support for a fixed <br />fee of $60/month. Upgrades to the website would be billed at a rate of $45/hr with website costing <br />another $10 to $20 per month. Hugo Consulting has also prepared a sample website for the City, which <br />can be accessed at Staff recommended contracting with Hugo Consulting for <br />preparation of a website for the community. <br />Haas made motion, Barnes seconded, to table this matter until the meeting of December 20, 1999. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />YEAR 2000 EMPLOYEE PAY RECOMIIIENDATION <br />The Council considered a report from the City Administrator recommending a pay schedule for City <br />employees during the year 2000, as well as a resolution implementing the Administrator's <br />recommendation. <br />Haas made motion, Barnes seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1999-21, A RESOLUTION SETTING <br />YEAR 2000 SALARIES FOR REGULAR AND PART-TIME EMPLOYEES. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Haas, Leroux, Petryk, Stoltzman <br />Motion Carried. <br />DECEMBER 10TH JD2 MEETING <br />At the Council's request, a meeting has been scheduled between the Council and its legal representation <br />for discussion of JD2 litigation for 10:00 am, December 10, 1999, at the Hugo Fire Hall. <br />
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