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1998.04.20 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1998 CC Minutes
1998.04.20 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of April 20, 1998 <br />Page 5 <br />indicate which of the individuals signing the Agreement are responsible for fulfilling the <br />stated condition. In addition, it changes the names of 127th Street and Europa Avenue to <br />Europa Trail throughout the document, and adds as signatories to the Agreement, all <br />those individuals having an ownership interest in the property. Staff recommended <br />approval of the revised Development Agreement. Tom and Judd Jackson objected the <br />"free" 100' easement they will need to give to the City for the proposed 134th Street. <br />After discussion of the issue, Tom Jackson agreed to language of an 80' perpetual <br />easement at no cost to the City. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, to approve the Development Agreement for the <br />WOODS OF BALD EAGLE subdivision including the following changes: 80' easement <br />for 134th Street and tie 134th Street to the development of Outlot A. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DRAINAGE PROJECTS UPDATE <br />Mr. Pete Willenbring, the City's Water Resource Engineer, appeared before the Council to <br />update them on various water management projects being undertaken in the community, <br />including the southwest Oneka Lake drainage study, the Oneka Lake outlet permitting <br />process, Hardwood Creek channel improvements, Beaver Ponds drainage study, the <br />Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan, Clearwater Creek Greenway Corridor, <br />modification to the City's regulatory flood protection elevation, and administration of the <br />Wetlands Conservation Act. The City Council directed that the City's Comprehensive <br />Storm Water Management Plan be amended to indicate that the City would assume <br />responsibility for administration of the guidelines of the Wetlands Conservation Act within <br />its borders. <br />BALD EAGLE INDUSTRIAL PARK DEVELOPMENT COVENANTS <br />The Council considered for approval the proposed Covenants for the Bald Eagle Industrial <br />Park, including revisions requested by the Council at their meeting of April 13, 1998. <br />Leroux made motion, Goiffon seconded, to table this matter until the Council meeting of <br />May 4, 1998. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />WCA ADMINISTRATION AGREEMENT <br />The Council considered the proposed form for an Agreement between the City of Hugo <br />and Washington County Soil and Water Conservation Service for the administration of the <br />Wetlands Conservation Act 1991 in the Brown's Creek Watershed. This Agreement <br />provides for WCSW to administer all applications under the Act, and will provide the <br />
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