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1998.07.29 CC Minutes - Joint meeting with Lino Lakes & White Bear Township
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City Council Minutes
1998 CC Minutes
1998.07.29 CC Minutes - Joint meeting with Lino Lakes & White Bear Township
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JOINT COUNCIL MEETING JULY 29,1998 <br />MnDOT will be repaying Vadnais Heights. This is one way to get the improvement when <br />it is needed in the city. <br />Ms. Carlson asked for a copy of the map showing Options A & B on the Hugo <br />transportation plan. <br />A gentleman in the audience asked if Hugo had plans for any other east/west route. Mr. <br />Museus said the City is looking at another residential access to Lino Lakes. However, this <br />is not in the transportation plan at this time. <br />A gentleman asked why a north County Road J/1 -35E access is not a concern at this time. <br />Mr. Wessel said it is under consideration, however there is not much interest for Lino <br />Lakes to go north. It is included in the Lino Lakes transportation plan. White Bear <br />Township Board Member Ford explained that it should be a concern to Lino Lakes as Mr. <br />Weisenburger pointed out earlier. She suggested that the cities get together and present a <br />"united front" insofar as this intersection is concerned and to look at other areas of <br />cooperation. <br />Council Member Bergeson asked if Lino Lakes and White Bear Township had an interest <br />in completing the County Road J/1 -35E intersection, what would the process be. Mr. Kern <br />said that the city has identified this as a concern in its transportation plan and will start <br />addressing the need locally and then address it with MnDOT. Showing local coordination <br />means a lot to MnDOT. He noted that there is some funding each year but the cities <br />would have to use fixed criteria and prepare a clear understanding of how it would benefit <br />the communities. Mr. Wessel said he thought it should be started by forming a coalition <br />of the cities and the counties. The process could be started by using the I -35E study <br />prepared by Mr. Short. <br />. The final comments were as follows: <br />Mr. Ahrens noted strong concerns about the proposed Option A which directs Hugo <br />traffic into a Lino Lakes residential road. <br />Mr. Kern agreed with Mr. Ahrens. He said that the Hugo will have to decide if they want <br />a street crossing Clearwater Creek. <br />Mr. Short supported crossing Clearwater Creek. <br />Mr. Sand said that one of his concerns was hunting on Bald Eagle Lake and goose <br />control. He noted that the traffic volume on Highway 61 in Hugo is much higher than it <br />was before the construction of the freeway. It is a busy road and will get busier. Mr. Sand <br />said he would support a north interchange on County Road J and the freeway. <br />Mr. Weisenburger said his concern is the movement of traffic and would support light rail <br />transit and/or bus. He felt that this would be a benefit to all of these communities. <br />PAGE 12 <br />
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