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JOINT COUNCIL MEETING <br />JULY 29,1998 <br />Mr. Lyden suggested that each council designate a responsible person to be a conduit to <br />the other cities and set up a structure to get the councils together on a regular basis. <br />Ms. Dahl said that she also liked option B. She noted that if Elmcrest Avenue is to be <br />closed, option B seems the better route and if you want a scenic route, option B would <br />also be the route. She said that the interchange on County Road J and the freeway is <br />worth looking into and wanted to know the pluses and minuses. Ms. Dahl said light rail <br />transit is a good option for Lino Lakes, she liked hearing about the "greenway" corridor <br />and the trail system and definitely did not want to see any dead ends on them. She felt <br />that they should connect to Hugo and White Bear Township. Ms. Dahl said that she really <br />liked all of the cities working together. She thanked everyone for their exchange of ideas. <br />There is so much to consider and really wanted to hear everyone's ideas. This is the way <br />we grow and get to know what is happening with our neighbors. Ms. Dahl hoped that <br />there would be another joint meeting before the Comprehensive Plan is finished and <br />approved. <br />Mr. Powell referred to the possible trail around the east side Bald Eagle Lake and wanted <br />to be sure that everyone was aware of Metropolitan Council's facility planning study in <br />that area. He noted the alignment of future relief sewer service is in the area of the <br />"greenway" corridor and said it may offer an opportunity to secure some funding with <br />Metropolitan Council. <br />Mr. Ahrens noted that the elimination of Elmcrest Avenue needs more discussion <br />quickly. <br />Ms. Cummingham asked if the development will have a huge impact on the White Bear <br />schools. <br />Mr. LeRoux asked that hunting on Bald Eagle Lake be added to this agenda to increase <br />the communication between the communities that share a common body of water. Hugo <br />has received a petition requesting that Bald Eagle Lake be closed to water fowl hunting. <br />He noted that he is a water fowl hunter and would hate to see Bald Eagle Lake restricted. <br />However, he is aware of other concerns. A committee, which he chaired, was formed and <br />investigated the issue. He did talk to the Lino Lakes Police Department and obtained <br />information about how Lino Lakes handles hunting complaints. He also noted that geese <br />are a lake nuisance. The more we restrict hunting the more we allow these nuisance <br />populations to survive. While investigating the hunting complaints it was determined that <br />there is no way for a hunter to hunt on the north end of Bald Eagle Lake and meet the <br />requirements of separation of residences and the requirement of blinding. It will be the <br />committees recommendation to the Hugo council that Hugo close that portion of Hugo to <br />duck hunting. He asked for comments from the other communities who have boundaries <br />on that lake. He asked that the comments be forwarded to him very soon. <br />The meeting was closed at 9:50 P.M. <br />PAGE 15 <br />