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City Council meeting of October 19, 1998 <br />Page 3. <br />Contractingfor the widening of Fenway Avenue, between 140th Street and 142nd Street, from the <br />planned 32 feet to 44 feet, in the amount of $35,353.10. Included in the Agreement is an additional <br />$11,285 to add draintile to Fenway Boulevard at a location where the high ground water table would <br />weaken the street without the added. system. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />Supplemental Agreement as proposed. <br />PARTIAL PAY ESTIMATE #1(FENWAY BLVD/AVENUE) <br />The Council considered the City Engineer's recommendation for partial pay estimate No. 1 for the <br />construction of Fenway Boulevard/Avenue, in the amount of $495,094.34 as payment toward work <br />performed. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved partial payment No. 1 for Fenway <br />—B6Wevard/Avenue. - <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY SHERIFF'S REPORT <br />Captain Don McGlothlin submitted to the Council a statistical report of law enforcement activities from <br />1994 to present. The Council thanked the Captain for the comprehensive report. <br />SM PLAN APPROVAL (WAGNER GREENHOUSES) <br />Wagner Greenhouses, 6024 Penn Avenue South, Mpls., MN., requested an amended site plan for the <br />operation of the greenhouses formerly owned by Johnson Florists, at 4860 Frenchman Road. They are <br />requesting approval to add a 150' x 260' addition to the greenhouses already located on the property. <br />The proposed greenhouse addition meets the requirements of the City's zoning ordinance for setbacks <br />and maximum pervious surface. Staff recommended approval of the site plan, as submitted. <br />Goiffon made motion, Arcand seconded, to approve the request of Wagner Greenhouses for an <br />amended site plan for the operation of the green houses formerly owned by Johnson Florists, and <br />construct a 150' x 260' addition to the already -existing greenhouses located on the property. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REVISED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (CREEKVIEW PRESERVE) <br />The Council considered an amendment to the Development Agreement for Creekview Preserve. This <br />amendment removes the requirement to establish a homeowners' association to maintain ponds and <br />drainage in the plat, and adds a condition requiring the developer to post an escrow of $13,600 to <br />cover the removal of either the connection of 159th Street or 165th Street to TH61 in accordance with <br />the permit issued by Washington County. If the commuter rail system never happens, the money is to <br />returned. <br />Leroux made motion, Goiffon seconded, to approve the revised Development Agreement for <br />Creekview Preserve. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />