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City Council meeting of December 7, 1998 <br />Page 4 <br />REQUEST TO PARK OVERWEIGHT VEHICLE ON RESIDENTIAL STREET <br />Mr. Todd Jones, 6090 146th Street, requested permission from the Council to park a commercial <br />business vehicle at the above address. Hugo City Code, Chapter 219-8, Subd. C states that vehicles <br />in excess of 7,000 lbs gross licensed vehicle weight may not be parked in residential districts of the <br />City. Mr. Jones would like to continue parking the vehicle at his residence as he uses the vehicle in <br />his employment, and it benefits his employer to have the vehicle located at his home to help maintain <br />response times to callouts and for security of the vehicle. The City Attorney stated that a variance to <br />the ordinance could not be granted in this instance. The City would need to amend the existing <br />ordinance to allow Mr. Jones to park the vehicle. Staff recommended the Council not approve the <br />request, as the conditions Mr. Jones refers to in his request are not unusual, and would apply to a <br />great number of circumstances. Granting the request would set a precedent that may effectively <br />undermine future enforcement of the ordinance. The Council agreed that vehicle weight was critical <br />in determining parking regulations. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, to table Mr. Jones's request to allow the City Attorney time <br />to review the ordinance and make a recommendation. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SUP/LEASE AGREEMENT AMENDMENT (THANKSGIVING LUTHERAN CHR) <br />Thanksgiving Lutheran Church, 7032 137th Street (Rice Lake Park Bldg), applied for a SUP to erect <br />a portable, mobile home -type classroom adjacent to the building for use in bible study and Sunday <br />school. This request requires both a SUP by the City to allow the portable classroom on the site, and <br />an amended Lease Agreement to allow the classroom be placed on City property. The SUP was <br />considered by the PC at their meeting of November 18, 1998, and they recommended approval of the <br />SUP subject to special conditions. <br />Goiffon made motion, Barnes seconded, to approve a SUP for Thanksgiving Lutheran Church to a <br />erect portable, mobile home -type classroom adjacent to the Rice Lake Park Building, subject to the <br />following special conditions: <br />1. The manufactured building used for classroom purposes shall meet the requirements of the State <br />Building Code, Manufactured Home Division, for such use. <br />2. A noncombustible walkway, meeting handicap code requirements, shall connect the manufac- <br />tured building to the RLPB for access to sanitation facilities. <br />3. The building shall be removed from the site upon termination of the Lease. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, to approve an amendment to the Lease Agreement between <br />TLC and the City of Hugo, and authorize the Mayor to sign said amendment. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />