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City Council meeting of December 21, 1998 <br />Page 2 <br />MINOR SUBDIVISION MIUMER) <br />Greg Kramer, 13700 Keystone Avenue, applied to subdivide a 19.78 acre tract of land located at <br />13700 Keystone Avenue into two lots of 9.89 acres each. The property lies within the Brown's <br />Creek Watershed District. The PC considered this request at their meeting of December 16, 1998, <br />and recommended approval of the subdivision subject to conditions. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the subdivision subject to the following conditions: <br />1. Approval of the septic locations by Washington County HELM. <br />2. Driveway permits be provided for both parcels from the Washington County Highway Department <br />for access to Keystone Avenue (CR57). <br />3. Identification of the lowest permitted first -floor elevation in accordance with the City's floodplain <br />ordinance. <br />4. Approval of the site development plan from the BCWD, or the City's Water Resource Engineer, if <br />the District refuses jurisdiction of the development. <br />5. Payment of the parkland dedication fee for one lot in the amount of $1,350. <br />6. Driveways shall comply with Hugo City Code, Chapter 82. <br />FIREFIGHTER RETIREMENT BENEFITS <br />The Council considered a memorandum from the City's Finance Director recommending that the <br />pension benefit for volunteer firefighters be increase to $1,600 per year of service, effective January 1, <br />1999, in accordance with schedule 1-2 for lump -sum pension plans for reporting form year 1998, <br />state fire aid year 1999. The firefighter pension benefit is funded from revenues the City receives <br />from the state fire aid program. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the pension benefit <br />increase as proposed by the Finance Director. <br />SUP REVOCATION HEARING (HORTON) <br />Mr. Norm Horton requested a delay in the scheduled hearing regarding alleged violations of the SUP <br />for his junkyard facility, due to illness. Adoption of the Consent Agenda rescheduled the hearing until <br />January 19, 1999, as recommended by the City Attorney. <br />STEDT CLAIM <br />Mr. Dean Stedt, 7416 132nd Street, has filed a claims with the City to damages done to his bean field <br />during construction of Fenway Blvd. Mr. Stedt was growing the beans on property owned by the <br />Jackson family, and a portion of the field was damaged during construction of the roadway. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claim to Mr. Stedt subject to Mr. Stedt and the <br />property owners signing a statement releasing the City from all other claims regarding the City's <br />encroachment on the Jackson property during the construction of Fenway Blvd. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, to rescind the previous Consent Adoption motion, and allow <br />for Council discussion of this matter. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />