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1998.12.21 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1998 CC Minutes
1998.12.21 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of December 21, 1998 <br />Page 4 <br />PUBLIC HEARING (COMP LAND USE REGULATIONS) <br />A public hearing was held to receive public comment on an ordinance amending the City's zoning <br />ordinance and subdivision regulations, shoreland ordinance, floodplain ordinance, and other land -use <br />regulations. Steve Rossini, opposed to multi -family and industrial -reserve zonings for land adjacent <br />to Everton Avenue, presented the Council with assertions against the zoning, and petitioned for <br />certain City Council actions. Teddy Peltier inquired if she would have to apply to subdivision to <br />create a five -acre lot; yes was the response. John Udstuen asked why his comments were not part of <br />City minutes; wanted a "current" proposal to review; and expressed opposition to the zoning districts. <br />Council -elect, Becky Petryk, stated that her constituents were opposed to the urban residential zoning <br />along Elmcrest Avenue. Mayor Miron and Attorney Galler explained the long process that the City <br />has been involved with Met Council in an effort to the regulations as they now exist. The Council <br />will continue discussion of this matter at the meeting of December 28, 1998. <br />OAKSHORE PARK PUBLIC IIKPROVEMENT PROJECT <br />On November 16, 1998, the Hugo City Council adopted an assessment roll as partial funding for the <br />proposed improvements in the Oakshore Park subdivision, including paved streets, curb and gutter, <br />storm sewer, and municipal sewer and water. The 30 -day appeal period for the assessments has <br />expired. One appeal has been filed by Jesse Roush, 4776 126th Street North. If the City Council <br />wishes to continue with this project, staff recommended directing the City Engineer to prepare plans <br />and specifications for Council approval. The City Engineer's cost estimate for such work is $60,000. <br />Council -elect Haas stated that he had some suggestions for the project. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, to table this matter until the Council meeting of January 4, <br />1999. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PELOOUIN INDUSTRIAL PARK (FOREST BLVD EWPROVEMENT PETITION) <br />The City received a petition signed by the owners of not less than 35% of frontage of the real <br />property abutting Forest Boulevard, from the north edge of parcel 170312112-0004 to the south edge <br />of 152nd Street, and the owners of not less than 35% of frontage of the real property abutting 152nd <br />Street, from the east edge of Forest Boulevard to the east edge of Freeland Avenue; Francesca <br />Avenue to the south edge of 152nd Street to the south end of the cul-de-sac; and Freeland Avenue to <br />the south edge of 152nd Street to the edge of the cul-de-sac, for the improvement of their properties <br />by the extension of municipal water, sanitary sewer, bituminous paving, curb and gutter, and storm <br />sewer, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. The areas described is the Peloquin Industrial <br />Park and the east frontage of TH61, from 152nd Street north to the south line of the Aplikowski <br />property. The proposal would improve the streets and extend municipal utilities in the Peloquin <br />Industrial Park, and extend municipal utilities along the east side of TH61. <br />Miron made motion, Goiffon seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1998-39, A RESOLUTION <br />DECLARING ADEQUACY OF PETITION AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT <br />FOR PELOQUIN INDUSTRIAL PARK IMPROVEMENTS. <br />
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