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MINUTES OF THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MARCH 5. 199 <br />Mayor Pro Tem Leroux convened a special meeting of the Hugo City Council at <br />9:10AM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Goiffon, Johnson, Leroux <br />ABSENT: Miron <br />Previously the Council had prepared written performance appraisals for the city's <br />consulting staff. During this meeting, the Council discussed the appraisals with the <br />subject party including Greg Galler, City Attorney; Tom Angus, City Engineer; <br />Pete Willenbring and Todd Hubmer of WSB; and Ed Elliott, of Loucks and <br />Associates. <br />Ron Otkin, the city's finance director, provided the Council with a brief update on <br />the City's tentative final budget figures for 1996. <br />Sheriff Jim Frank and members of his staff attended the meeting in response to <br />Council concerns over the 7% increase projected for the City's 1997 Law <br />Enforcement Contract with the County. Sheriff Frank informed the Council that <br />the reason for the 7% increase was largely due to ongoing salary negotiations with <br />county deputies. The deputies have been operating without a contract since 1995, <br />and Sheriff Frank is projecting that they will receive inflationary increases for <br />1995, 1996, and 1997 in. this year's contract. <br />The Council then conducted a performance appraisal on the City Administrator <br />based on written performance previously prepared by the Council. <br />Jim Leroux, made motion, seconded by Goiffon, to approve a letter prepared by <br />the City Administrator thanking Washington County for their assistance to resolve <br />the flooding issues in the School Section/Goggins Lake Basin area. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />City Administrator requested clarification on the number of weeks he would be <br />allowed in 1997 under his employment agreement with the City and City personnel <br />policy. <br />Councilmember Leroux, seconded by Barnes to grant the Administrator three (3) <br />weeks vacation in 1997 and upcoming years. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />