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City Council meeting of May 19, 1997 <br />Page 2 <br />CHANGE ORDER (150TH STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT) <br />The City Engineer recommended the Council approve a Change Order for the <br />construction of utilities in 150th Street, west of T.H. 61, to serve the new Post Office site. <br />The Change Order reflects additional soils correction due to discovered peat under the <br />roadway, changes mandated to the turn lane off T.H. 61 by MnDOT, and the addition of a <br />6" valve to the watermain, that reduced the amount of time businesses along 61 were out <br />of service during the system's construction. Total cost of the Change Order amounts to <br />$10,054.25, bringing the total project cost to $178,063.00. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the Change Order as recommended by the City Engineer. <br />DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (GLAMOS WIRE PRODUCTS) <br />On May 5, 1997, the City Council considered a request by Glamos Wire Products, 5561 <br />152nd Street, for an amended site plan to allow the construction of an additional 30,000 <br />sq ft building on the property. The Council directed the City Attorney to prepare a <br />Development Agreement granting site plan approval, subject to various conditions placed <br />on the project by the Council. Mr. Paul Glamos was present at the meeting, and stated <br />that he would like the City to totally eliminate the need for an Agreement. Mr. Glamos' <br />attorney stated to the City Attorney that he would like this matter tabled until the next <br />Council meeting to allow him time to review the document. <br />Goiffon made motion, Leroux seconded, to table this matter until the Council meeting of <br />June 2, 1997. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />3.2 BEER AND CIGARETTE LICENSES (BOBBER'S BOATS AND BAIT) <br />The Council considered the issuance of an off -sale beer license and cigarette license to <br />Robert McElmury, dba Bobber's Boats and Baits, 4444 129th Street, at their meeting of <br />May 5, 1997. Concerns were raised by neighbors that Mr. McElmury was not in <br />compliance with his SUP issued by the City. The Council directed the City's Building <br />Official to inspect the site for compliance, a copy of which is on file. Because of the short <br />distance between the lake and 129th Street, it is not feasible to construct a hedge or fence <br />to separate the roadway from the boat area. Options include: <br />1. Eliminating the requirement for the hedge or fencing from the SUP. <br />2. Require the property owner to construct the fences or hedges to limit public access to <br />the dock area only. <br />3. Enforce the requirement for a hedge or fencing, which will effectively deny use of the <br />shoreland areas to the business. <br />