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City Council meeting of July 21, 1997 <br />Page 3 <br />at based on appraisal of adjacent industrial property, and the City Assessor's established <br />value of the buildings on the site. <br />Barnes made motion, Goiffon seconded, to approve the Purchase Agreement and acquire <br />the Linden property subject to the following conditions: <br />1. A Title Opinion or Policy of Title Insurance, approved by the City Attorney. <br />2. The owner of the property providing the City the requisite notices for lead paint, septic <br />systems, and wells that might be located on the site. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, Miron <br />VOTING NAY: Johnson <br />Motion Carried. <br />REEVIBURSEMENT RESOLUTION <br />The Council considered a Resolution establishing procedures relating to the compliance to <br />the reimbursement bond regulations and the internal revenue code in order for the City to <br />reimburse itself from TIF proceeds for the purchase of the Linden property. <br />Leroux made motion; Barnes seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1997-15, A <br />RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES RELATING TO COMPLIANCE <br />WITH REIMBURSEMENT BOND REGULATIONS UNDER THE INTERNAL <br />REVENUE CODE. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, Miron <br />VOTING NAY: Johnson <br />Motion Carried. <br />TIRE PILE COMPLAINT (16813 FOREST BLVD.) <br />The Council received a letter from the City's Fire Chief expressing concern regarding the <br />number of tires stored at the above property. He estimates that there are approximately <br />20,000-25,000 tires at this location, and is concerned that some of these tires that are <br />stored in wooded areas present a serious fire hazard. He also expressed concern regarding <br />the potential health risk to the community posed by the accumulation of stagnant water in <br />the tires. The previous operator of this site, Mr. Roger Dupaul, had informed the Council <br />that he was working with the MPCA's Waste Tire Abatement Program to have the tires <br />removed from the site. This never occurred. The new operator of the site, ARK, has <br />recently submitted an application for an Auto Dismantling License. Based on staff's <br />recommendation, the following motion was made: <br />