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City Council meeting of September 15, 1997 <br />Page 2 <br />6213 EGG LAKE ROAD (ASSESSMENT) <br />Mayor Miron and Council Member Barnes reported on their assessment negotiations with <br />Mr. Louie Bailey, and recommended that the assessment be lowered by $2,000. <br />Goiffon made motion, Barnes seconded, to accept the recommendation of Mayor Miron <br />and Council Member Barnes to reduce the assessment for 6213 Egg Lake Road from <br />$8,066.96 to $6,066.96. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />EMERGENCY WARNING SIREN <br />The Council considered plans and specifications for the installation of a new emergency <br />warning siren in the vicinity of the City's south water tower, as well as the retrofit of the <br />City's existing siren at the north water tower site to radio controls. Estimated cost for the <br />project is $35,000. <br />Barnes made motion, Goiffon seconded, directing staff to proceed with Advertisement for <br />Bids for the emergency warning sirens. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />ENGINEER'S REPORT (DRAINAGE ISSUES) <br />Council Member Leroux arrived at 7:25PM. At the Council's request, Mr. Pete <br />Willenbring, the City's water resource engineer, was present at the Council meeting to <br />provide them a briefing on the Hardwood Creek culvert realignment project, the <br />Clearwater Creek storm water improvement project, and the Oneka Lake outlet project. <br />REQUEST FOR CHANGE IN RURAL DRIVEWAY STANDARDS <br />Fire Chief, Jim Wisner, provided the City a letter expressing concerns regarding the <br />construction of long driveways in the City's rural area. His concern is that these long <br />driveways are not wide enough, or maintained well enough, to allow access for emergency <br />vehicles. He requested the City adopt more stringent requirements for these driveways <br />and for their maintenance. The Council discussed the request, but decided they did not <br />want to legislate personal preference. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, to include an article in the City's next Newsletter <br />outlining the hazards of long driveways in the rural area. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />