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City Council meeting of September 15,1997 <br />Page 5 <br />DNR WORKSHOP (PLANNING FOR THE ENVIRONMENT) <br />The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources invited the City of Hugo to participate <br />in a workshop to be conducted October 29-30, 1997 regarding planning for the <br />environment. The DNR indicated that a delegation of three to five individuals from the <br />community would be preferred. There is a cost of $90.00 per individual to cover <br />registration and meeting costs. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, directing the City Administrator to provide a <br />delegation to represent the City at the DNR workshop. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT WORKSHEET <br />The Council was provided with a capital improvement priority worksheet. Staff requested <br />that each Council member complete the questionnaire and return to the City Administrator <br />at the Council's September 22nd budget workshop. No further action was required. <br />WORKPLACE SAFETY POLICY <br />The City Administrator presented the Council with a proposed Workplace Safety Policy <br />on September 2, 1997. This matter is to be placed on a later agenda for Council <br />consideration. <br />LETTER OF RESIGNATION (COUNCIL MEMBER JOHNSON) <br />On September 4, 1997, the City received a letter from Council member Debi Johnson of <br />Ward 1 resigning from the City Council as of September 19, 1997. Ms. Johnson was <br />elected to this office in November, 1996 to fill the remaining two years of a four-year <br />term. The City Attorney stated that because there is less than two years remaining on the <br />term of office, the Council can appoint someone to fill the position to serve until the next <br />regular City election. <br />Leroux made motion, Barnes seconded, the City publish an advertisement soliciting names <br />from residents of Ward 1 interested in completing the unexpired term on the Council. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mayor Miron received a letter from a Hugo resident regarding a proposed 90 -acre <br />recreational area located at the southwest corner of Forest Lake Township. It was her <br />feeling that Hugo would be impacted negatively by the increase in traffic that would be <br />generated by the proposal. <br />