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1997.09.22 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1997 CC Minutes
1997.09.22 CC Minutes
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City Council
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The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fran Miron at 7:30PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />City Finance Director, Ron Otkin <br />The purpose of the meeting was for first consideration of the City's 1998 budget. Ron <br />Otkin explained to the Council that the City was under a State imposed levy limit for <br />1998, and the City's finance policy called for the City to levy the maximum amount <br />allowed by law in cases where the State has imposed levy limits. This results in a 4.9% <br />increase in the City's tax levy for 1998. Based on tentative community tax value figures <br />from the County, this would also result in a 7.6% reduction in the City's tax rate. Mr. <br />Otkin reviewed the proposed budget, line item by line item, with the Council, and there <br />were no major changes to any fund, though the budget did reflect an additional part-time <br />position of Office Assistant for the City. Substantially more money was budgeted for <br />snowplowing based on experience of last year, and expected heavy snowfalls for the <br />1997/1998 season. The Fire Chief provided the Council separate requests for increases in <br />the Fire Department's budget. The Council directed Mr. Otkin to work with the Chief to <br />determine how the existing proposed budget could be rearranged to suit the Department's <br />needs, and also to reformat the Chief's request so that it matched the budget document for <br />clarity. After discussion, the Council determined to meet with the Fire Chief and to <br />evaluate the budget in November following the bond referendum for the proposed new <br />Fire Hall. <br />The Council received a memorandum from the Clerk stating that Carol Murray had been <br />offered the position of Office Assistant, but declined the position as she had accepted <br />work closer to her home. The Clerk recommended that the City employ Michele Lindau <br />for the position of Office Assistant. <br />Leroux made motion, Barnes seconded, to accept the Clerk's recommendation. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />The City Administrator recommended that a planning workshop be conducted for the area <br />around the Peloquin Industrial Park in order to consider property owner concerns and <br />provide direction for development of the area. Concerns include not only the proposed <br />extension of sewer and water, and public streets into the area, but also drainage issues and <br />land -use considerations. The Mayor directed that this be placed on the agenda for the <br />Council's special meeting of September 29, 1997 regarding the Bald Eagle Industrial <br />Park. <br />
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