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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 9/29/97 <br />The special meeting was convened by Mayor Fran Miron at 8:00PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />City Assessor, Frank Langer <br />City Finance Director, Ron Otkin <br />Minnesota Commercial Railroad, Pat McArdle <br />Water Resource Engineer, Pete Willenbring <br />City Engineer, Tom Angus <br />City Planner, Ed Elliott <br />The meeting was called to review a Project Feasibility Report, prepared by City staff and <br />consultants, for the expansion of the Bald Eagle Industrial Park (BEIP). As the Council <br />had been previously briefed on the project, the City Administrator provided a short <br />description of the project, and informed the Council that the members of the planning team <br />were available to answer any questions. The Mayor opened the meeting for public <br />comment. <br />Harley and Debi Johnson, 14916 Fenway Avenue, expressed their concerns regarding the <br />storm water runoff from the project, as well as the City's proposed Clearwater Creek <br />Improvement Project. Pete Willenbring, the City's Water Resource Engineer, explained <br />how the storm water from the Park will be ponded as part of the larger regional <br />improvement plan for Clearwater Creek. <br />Bill Wunderlich, 15939 Ingersoll Avenue, questioned the City proceeding with the public <br />improvements involved and expansion of the Industrial Park when he believed road <br />improvement projects were of greater importance, especially Ingersoll Avenue and 165th <br />Street. <br />Fred Riermann and Joe Glamos, property owners in the Peloquin Industrial Park, <br />expressed support for the City's efforts to promote and expand business in the community, <br />but questioned the need and expense of the improvements planned for their Park, which is <br />a separate project from the expansion of the BEIP. <br />Terry Miller, who has stated he is purchasing the proposed Woods of Bald Eagle <br />subdivision to the southwest of the BEIP, stated that a private developer would not <br />undertake expansion of the Park under the conditions described in the Plan, as the profit <br />margin would be too low. <br />Walter Stoltzman, 8139 157th Street, questioned what impact expansion of the BEIP and <br />its rail source would have on White Bear Lake, given their interest in removing the line <br />through their downtown area, and what guarantees there were for maintaining the rail line <br />in the future. The City Administrator stated that the City was supporting White Bear <br />