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City Council meeting of October 6, 1997 <br />Page 4 <br />MUgNG PERMIT RENEWAL (RIVER CITY ASPHALT) <br />River City Asphalt, 8800 13th Avenue East, Shakopee, MN., requested renewal of their <br />Mining Permit for the Hansen pit located in the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 23, <br />T31N, R21 W, consisting of approximately 120 acres. Their operation was last inspected <br />on September 11, 1997 by the City Engineer, and was found to be substantially in <br />compliance with their SUP and Mining Permit. Staff recommended approval and issuance <br />of the Mining Permit. <br />Leroux made motion, Goiffon seconded, to renew the Mining Permit for River City <br />Asphalt for the Hansen pit for a two-year period, subject to the applicant renewing the <br />letter of credit, cash deposit, or other security in an amount not less than 125% of the <br />anticipated cost of reclamation, as determined by the City Engineer, plus $2,500 to cover <br />the City's cost for permit compliance inspections. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS (RLM4) <br />The City Engineer requested Council guidance on whether concrete sidewalks will be <br />required across existing bituminous driveways in the RLM4 subdivision. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, directing the City Engineer to notify Kenco that <br />concrete sidewalks will be required across the driveways in the RLM#4 subdivision. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PROPOSED SOUTH ONEKA LAKE AREA WORKSHOP <br />Staff has proposed that the City conduct an issue identification workshop for the south <br />Oneka Lake area on Saturday, October 18, 1997, at the Rice Lake Park Building, from <br />9:OOAM to 1:OOPM. This workshop is meant to develop goals and objectives to guide <br />development of the south Oneka Lake area lying between Forest Boulevard, Greene <br />Avenue, the north line of Section 17 and 147th Street/Oneka Lake Blvd. There are a <br />number of issues currently affecting this area, including extension of municipal sewer and <br />water services, storm water management, the correction of existing flooding on Oneka <br />Lake and along 165th Street, future street locations, property access issues, proposed <br />zoning clarifications, and the possibility of MUSA extensions. It is intended that this <br />meeting will result in a list of common goals and objectives for development of the area, as <br />well as a recommended zoning map. These recommendations will then be subject of a <br />future public hearing before the Planning Commission for consideration as part of the <br />City's Comprehensive Plan and zoning ordinance. <br />