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required by the City to meet Metropolitan Council requirements for notification of <br /> MUSA extension. <br /> 2, Paragraph 8, page 11, should have the following added: It shall be the Developer's <br /> responsibility to field verify the minimum first floor elevation for all building lots, <br /> based on actual field conditions, prior to submitting a Certificate of Survey to the City <br /> for each lot. <br /> 3. Paragraph 12.d., page 12, the first sentence should read: The Developer shall be <br /> allowed building permits for no more than ten (10) model homes, and no more than <br /> (6) townhouses to be built within Phase I, prior to substantial completion of all <br /> improvements serving those lots. <br /> 4. Paragraph 13.a., page 16, a clause of section should be added to the first paragraph <br /> stating that conditional Certificate of Occupancies, issued by the City under Paragraph <br /> 13.a. of this Agreement, shall not allow the property to be sold or closed upon before <br /> a final Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the City, and that any sale of such <br /> property, based on the conditional Certificate of Occupancy, shall be subject to the <br /> liquidated damages herein described. <br /> 5. Street names for the project shall be approved by separate action of the Council. <br /> 6, The Development Agreement shall be subject to the review and approval of the City <br /> Attorney. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> Leroux made motion, Goiffon seconded, to adjourn at 8:45PM. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> Robert A. Museus <br /> City Administrator <br />