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1996.01.17 CC Minutes - Joint meeting with RCWD
City Council
City Council Minutes
1996 CC Minutes
1996.01.17 CC Minutes - Joint meeting with RCWD
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MINUTES FOR THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 17. 1996 <br />The Hugo City Council conducted a joint meeting with the Rice Creek <br />Watershed District starting at 6:00 PM, at the White Pear Country Inn. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Goiffon, LaValle, LerOUX, Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert MuseUS <br />Rice Creek. Managers: Robert HUlt, Andy Cardinal, Barbara Haake, Carol <br />Ryden, and Administrator, Kate Drewry <br />Steve Woods, Montgomery Watson <br />Pete Willenbring, WSB and Associates <br />The purpose of the meetinq was to discuss storm water management studies• <br />and projects, proposed and ongoing, in the City of Hugo. <br />The City of Hugo informed the Water Management District that it is <br />proposing to commission a study of the Hardwood Creek watershed in order <br />to resolve numerous flooding issues in the City and develop a detailed <br />storm water management plan for the area. There was discussion regarding <br />Rice Creek's participation in this study, and the need to coordinate the <br />study across political boundaries. It was decided that the administrative <br />and engineering staffs from the City and District would develop a scope of <br />work for the project, and provide the information for further discussion. <br />Mr. Pete Willenbrinq, representing the Cit;: of Hugo, briefly discussed the <br />Clearwater Creek. Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan completed in <br />1995. The District had previously received copies of this study. <br />The City Administrator presented a concept for implementing parts of the <br />Clearwater Creek Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan in conjunction <br />with a proposed economical development project for the Bald Eagle <br />Industrial Park. This would include establishment of a regional storm <br />water ponding strategy for the Clearwater Creek: watershed from Bald Eagle <br />Lake to the creek's outflow into Lino Lakes. The City is aware of Rice <br />Creek's interest in implementing volume controls in the watershed, and a <br />cooperative design of the drainage system in this area was discussed in <br />order to provide an opportunity to test volume control methods and <br />determine their impacts on storm water control and property owners. <br />Also briefly discussed was the City of HUgo's interest in acquiring 30 <br />acres of property along Clearwater Creek.. which had recently been tax <br />forfeited. Due to the presence of public waters on the property, <br />Washington County was not allowed to convey the property to the City. <br />State law allows the property to be conveyed, if the Citi: develops a <br />public -use plan approved by the DNR, followed by a special bill from the <br />State legislature transferring the property to the City. <br />The meeting adjourned at 9:(-)i► PM. <br />Robert A. Museus <br />City Administrator <br />
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