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MINUTES FOR THE JOINT PUBLIC HEARING HELD BY THE _CITY OF HU_GO_ AND MAY _ <br />TOWNSHIP ON JANUARY «. 1996 AT THE SCHOOL - <br />The meeting was called to order by Hugo Mayor, Fran Miron, at 7:40 PM. <br />PRESENT FROM THE CITY OF HUGO <br />City Council - Debra Barnes, Andrew Goiffon, Marvin LaValle, Jim LeroUX, <br />Fran Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />City Attorney, Greg Galler <br />City Clerk, Mary Ann Creager <br />PRESENT FROM MAY TOWNSHIP <br />Town Board - Sue Soderman, Rebecca Johnson. Tracy Mazanec <br />May Attorney, Vicki Gifford <br />This joint public hearing was called to consider adoption of an ordinance <br />establishing a storm sewer improvement tax district within the meaning of <br />Minnesota Statute 444.16 et. seq. Hugo's City Administrator explained the <br />project to residents present, and fielded questions the;: had regarding his, <br />comments. Hugo's attorney, Greq Galler, stated that the amended Joint <br />Powers Agreement between Hugo and May Township could be acted upon at <br />tonight's hearing, but that the ordinance could not be adopted because the <br />subwatershed has to be more clearly defined. The amended Joint Powers <br />Agreement would allow the engineering study to being in order to more <br />clearly define the area to be included in the project. <br />At this time, Hugo Mayor, Fran Miron, opened the public hearing. The <br />following comments were addressed to the governinq bodies: <br />Ernie Trettel, 9590 - 130th Street: Mr. Trettle was in favor of the <br />project because of his loss of farm land. <br />Dan Chambers, 14361 b::irby Avenue: Mr. Chambers stated that he was not <br />sure who was going to be "Stuck" for assessments. <br />Jyneen Thatcher, 12999 b::eller Avenue: Ms. Thatcher was in favor of the <br />project, and encouraged the governing bodies to look at the impact of <br />future development on water problems, and look to other sources for <br />possible assistance in funding the project. <br />Brad Boucher, 10151 Kerr, Court: Mr. Boucher was in favor of the project <br />because risinq waters of School Section have ruined his landscaping <br />efforts, and water is r_.omina close to his residence. <br />Jeff Meyer, 1()'221 Kerry Court: Mr, Meyer was in flavor of the project <br />because of erosion of lake shore (School Section) and loss of trees. <br />Kevin Kuehn. 1080 14�►th Street: Mr, Kuehn stated that he was losing_ farm <br />land, and asked that the governing bodies i.nclude areas north of the <br />proposed study area in their determination of flooding problems. <br />Pam Bjorum, 1 515 Keller Avenue: Ms. BiorLlm was concerned with the scope <br />of the problem. She would be assessed for improvements with no benefit to <br />her. She now has "lake shore" rather than living by a wetland. <br />