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City Council meeting of January 31. 1996 <br />Page _ <br />The Council then considered a request by Tony Emmerich, developer for <br />Country Fonds, to alter Paragraph 13K of the Development Aqreement, <br />between Mr. Emmerich and the City, in order to allow for the construction <br />of a home on Lot 6, Block 1, Country Ponds subdivision. At issue was the <br />existence of a temporary cul-de-sac on the property, concerns for the <br />potential location of the home on the property, and how it would be <br />affected by the eventual removal of the cul-de-sac when 137th Street was <br />extended to the east. Obtaining security for the eventual removal of the <br />Cul-de-sac was recommended as an option by the City Administrator. <br />Councilman LaValle stated that if the developer wished to renegotiate the <br />Development Agreement, that the two other items should be considered for <br />change: <br />1. The developer should remove all silt fence from the site in the near <br />future. <br />i. The City should require a much more detailed landscaping plan for the <br />bermed area between the development and T.H. 61. <br />Miron made motion, Lerou>: seconded, to table action on the request until <br />the Council meeting of February 5, 1996, and to direct staff to work•. with <br />Mr. Emmerich in developing the proposed amendments to the Development. <br />Agreement, both those made by the developer and the City. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Councilman Leroux; rotated that he would not be at the Council meeting of <br />February 5, 1996, but did want to make his concerns known on the revised <br />Comprehensive Plan to be discussed at that meeting. He does not want <br /> mandated in the agricultural district, but felt that the <br />objectives of the City of reducinq future infrastructure costs, meeting <br />environmental concerns, and maintaining open space could be achieved <br />through more creative and less intrusive standards built into the Zoning <br />ordinance. <br />Goiffon made motion, Lerou>: seconded, to adjourn at 10:.35 PM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Robert A. MUSeUS <br />City Administrator <br />