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JOINT COUNCIL MEETING <br />DATE <br />TIME STARTED <br />TIME ENDED <br />MEMBERS PRESENT. <br />MEMBERS ABSENT <br />CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />COUNCIL MINUTES <br />: February 8, 1996 <br />. 7:00 P.M. <br />. 9:30 P.M. <br />: Bergeson, Neal, Landers <br />: Kuether, Lyden <br />FEBRUARY 8,1996 <br />City of Lino Lakes Staff. City Engineer, David Ahrens; Parks and Recreation Director, <br />Marty Asleson; Community Development Director, Brian Wessel, City Administrator, <br />Randy Schumacher and Clerk -Treasurer Marilyn Anderson. <br />City of Hugo Council and Staff. Mayor Fran Mirion; Council Members, Jim Leroux, <br />Andy Goiffon, Marvin LaValle; Engineers, Ed Elliott, Loucks & Associates and Tom <br />Angus, OSM and City Administrator, Bob Museus. <br />City of Centerville Council and Staff. Mayor Tom Wilharber; Council Members, <br />Theresa Brenner and Laura Powers -Rasmussen; Clerk, Trudi Breuninger and Engineer, <br />Dave Nyberg, MSA. <br />Rice Creek Watershed District: Kate Drewry, District Administrator; Eric Thompson, <br />District Engineer; Board of Managers, Andy Cardinal, Barb Haake, Bob Hutt and Carole <br />Ryden. <br />The evening began with a dinner in the Lino Lakes Senior Center. <br />Mr. Schumacher opened the meeting and briefly explained that he had prepared a very <br />informal agenda. The purpose of the meeting was for each city to briefly describe their <br />development plans and discuss how all three (3) cities and Rice Creek Watershed District <br />(RCWD) could work together to prepare and implement a development plan for the <br />region that meets all three (3) cities goals and the approval of the RCWD. <br />CITY OF HUGO <br />Mr. Elliott used a poster board map and explained the overall development plan for the <br />City of Hugo. This plan included the redevelopment and expansion of the downtown <br />area, retaining the rural atmosphere, and keeping the northeast portion of the City in <br />farming and if not farming, cluster development. <br />PAGE 1 <br />