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JOINT COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 8,1996 <br />Mr. Wessel explained that the City of Lino Lakes has started the process of updating the <br />Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The Surface Water Management Plan has been <br />completed and accepted by the RCWD. The Shoreland Management Plan has also been <br />updated. <br />Mr. Wessel referred to Hugo's plan to extend a street (134th Street) to Elmcrest Avenue <br />which is the east boundary between Lino Lakes and Hugo. He noted that at one time, <br />there was a plan to build a road between Elmcrest Avenue and Otter Lake Road in Lino <br />Lakes. However, this will be difficult because there are DNR protected wetlands in that <br />area. <br />Mr. Thompson referred to Hugo's long range plan to extend 134th Street and 140th Street <br />west to Lino Lakes and noted that there would be four (4) major crossings over <br />Clearwater Creek. He expressed a need to get roads firmly planned so that plans can be <br />made to cross the Clearwater Creek flood plain. He noted that these crossings could be <br />very costly. <br />Mr. Asleson said that he is actively working on a cooperative parks and playground plan <br />and is very interested in the green corridor along Clearwater Creek. He explained that <br />this corridor could someday be connected to the Rice Creek Chain of Lake Regional Park <br />Preserve. Mr. Asleson asked for help from all three (3) cities and the RCWD in preparing <br />a grant application for this project. Ms. Drewry said that RCWD is also interesting in <br />applying for a grant for other RCWD projects. <br />Mr. LaValle noted that the original focus of the Clearwater Creek study was to manage <br />the water flowing through the Clearwater Creek basin. He said the plan was prepared to <br />solve problems and was not prepared to plan recreation experiences. Mr. Museus agreed <br />that the purpose of the Clearwater Creek study was to study Clearwater Creek and its <br />flood plain so that better management of this waterway could be developed. <br />Mr. Asleson noted that Lino Lakes does have a full service parks and playground <br />program. He expressed interest in discussing a cooperative program with the cities of <br />Hugo and Centerville. <br />CITY OF CENTERVILLE <br />Mayor Wilharber thanked the cities of Lino Lakes and Hugo for inviting Centerville to <br />this meeting and explained that he felt it was beneficial to all three (3) communities to <br />work together for the benefit of each community. He noted that Centerville is looking for <br />additional commercial and industrial development in their business park. Since <br />Clearwater Creek flows through this part of Centerville it is important that Centerville <br />have input into the future of this waterway. Mayor Wilharber noted that Centerville is <br />working on a municipal water feasibility study and a plan to share costs if possible. He <br />PAGE 3 <br />