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MINUTES FOR THE _HUGO CITY COUNCIL. MEETING OF FEBRUARY 9. 1996 <br />The Mayor reconvened the recessed meeting of February 8, 1996 at 9:00 AM <br />in order to allow the City Council to attend the staff meeting being <br />conducted to begin planning for development of the Fuld Eagle Industrial <br />Park. <br />PRESENT: Goiffon, LaValle, LeroUX. Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert MLIseUS <br />Finance Director, Ron Otk:in <br />City Engineer, Tom Angus <br />Environmental Engineer, OSM, John Mentor <br />City Attorney, Greg Galler <br />Ehlers and Associates, Rusty Fifield <br />Loucks and Associates, Tom Loucks <br />Loucks and Associates, Ed Elliott <br />City Hydrologist, WSB, Pete Willenbring <br />WSB, Todd HUbmer <br />ABSENT: Debra Barnes <br />The City Administrator presented the proposed objectives, initial concept, <br />and desired end state of the planning process, which would lead to a <br />program to redevelop and improve the Bald Eagle Industrial Parti:.. The <br />objectives presented were: <br />1.. Develop the City's commercial/industrial tax base to retain a <br />favorable tax rate in the face of increasing residential development. <br />. Improve the City's system of local roads to handle growing demand, and <br />limit the impact of development on existing and future residents. <br />3. Establish a regional storm water ponding system for the Clearwater <br />Creek subwatershed and improve the area's storm water management. <br />4. Improve the function and appearance of the area as a neighborhood <br />through leading development, not reacting to it. <br />5. Improve traffic access to T.H. 61 by cooperatively redesigning rail <br />access to the community. <br />6. Establish a system of bike trails and sidewalks to allow for a safe, <br />convenient, and non -motorized transportation system throughout the <br />development area. <br />?. 7Ltmp-start redevelopment of the City's core business district. <br />The group discussed the stake holders in the project, required permits and <br />agreements for project execution, roles and functions in the planning <br />process, and general concerns for the development. It was mutually agreed <br />Upon that: <br />1.. OSM would be responsible for any platting that wrUld be required. <br />. Loucks and Associates would be the team leader for preparing the plan. <br />... An Environmental Assessment Worksheet would be prepared as a part of <br />the project. <br />Another meeting of the planning project team was scheduled for Friday. <br />February 23, 1996, in order to prepare a work plan for the project and <br />cost estimates to be presented to the City Council and Planning Commission <br />in early March. <br />Goiffon made motion, LeroUX seconded, to adjourn at AM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Robert Museus. City Administrator <br />