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1996.04.22 CC Minutes - Special Council meeting
City Council
City Council Minutes
1996 CC Minutes
1996.04.22 CC Minutes - Special Council meeting
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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 22. 1996 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fran Miron at 9:40 PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Goiffon, LaValle, Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />City Finance Director, Ron Otkin <br />Washington County Sheriff, Jim Frank <br />Sergeant Jim Fure <br />Captain Dave Heuer <br />ABSENT: Jim Leroux <br />The purpose of this meeting was to review the City's expenditures and <br />revenues for the first quarter of 1996, review law enforcement services, <br />review a letter prepared by the City Attorney regarding the possible <br />transition of the BCWMO into a watershed management district, and discuss <br />scheduled road maintenance for 1996. <br />Ron Otkin presented a report comparing projected and actual City revenues <br />and expenditures for the first quarter of 1996. <br />Councilman Leroux had asked the Council to review law enforcement services <br />received by the community for the last few years, and provide comments and <br />recommendations to the Council. As Councilman Leroux, was not able to <br />attend this meeting, the Mayor presented his written comments, which were <br />discussed with Sheriff Frank and other members of the Washington Sheriff's <br />Dept. <br />One of the issues was that approximately 9% of the law enforcement <br />callouts in Hugo are in response to false alarms at residences caused by <br />faulty burglar alarms or problems with their operation. Sheriff Frank <br />stated that this was a problem county -wide, and that he will be working <br />with the County Attorney to prepare a draft ordinance to charge a fee to <br />residents causing the false alarms.' The Council indicated that they would <br />consider the ordinance for adoption when it is prepared. <br />The City's law enforcement reporting needs were also discussed. The <br />Sheriff indicated that he would work with the City to prepare a more <br />detailed report, including trend analysis, if the City would provide him <br />with more guidance on what was expected. <br />The Council indicated a concern regarding the amount of law enforcement <br />services being used by liquor establishments in the community. The <br />Sheriff offered to provide the Council with a detailed list of the law <br />enforcement contacts at liquor establishments, and recommended that this <br />be done annually at the time of license renewal so that this information <br />can be used by the Council in making a determination whether to grant or <br />condition the issuance of liquor licenses to establishments that cause an <br />unusual amount of law enforcement activity. <br />Councilmember Barnes asked the Sheriff if it was possible for Washington <br />County to acquire a computerized speed identification and display device <br />similar to those used by Ramsey County for the purposes of speed control <br />
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