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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 25. 1996 <br />The meeting was reconvened by Mayor Fran Miron from the Council meeting of <br />April 22, 1996 at 7:00 PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />Ron Otkin, Finance Director <br />Rusty Fifield, Ehlers and Associates <br />Fred Hoisington <br />ABSENT: Marvin LaValle <br />Mr. Fifield made a presentation to the Council on the use of tax increment <br />financing and its potential use in the redevelopment of the Bald Eagle <br />Industrial Park and the redevelopment of the City's downtown area. <br />Mr. Hoisington presented the Council will a concept sketch for the <br />redevelopment of the City's downtown in order to obtain feedback on the <br />direction his firm taking in the downtown redevelopment plan. Key <br />concepts Mr. Hoisington explained are: <br />I. The establishment of a parkway along Forest Boulevard through the <br />downtown area. <br />2. The use of a regional ponding strategy to handle storm water runoff <br />and NERF ponding requirements for the downtown area. <br />3. Locating buildings close to Forest Boulevard. <br />4. Use two-story buildings at key locations in the downtown area to <br />accent key intersections and create a sense of vertical mass. <br />5. Locate parking areas to the rear of buildings. <br />6. The need to obtain variances for building construction along Egg Lake <br />in order to maximize the use of this commercial area. <br />7. Try to encourage building design which maintains the traditional <br />appearance of the downtown through the use of pitched roofs and <br />buildings designed to have angles and corners giving the appearance <br />that buildings were added to over time. <br />8. Using a traditional rectangular grid pattern to streets adjacent to <br />the downtown area. <br />9. Opening up of vistas and the creation of public space along Egg Lake. <br />10. The retention and expansion of residential housing immediately <br />adjacent to the downtown area. <br />Discussion was held between Mr. Hoisington and the City Council and <br />members of the public in attendance at the meeting over these issues. The <br />Council indicated to Mr. Hoisington that the concepts his firm has <br />prepared were consistent with the community's vision for the redevelopment <br />of the downtown area. Mr. Hoisington then informed the Council that it <br />would be difficult for him to attend the Council meeting of May 20, 1996, <br />as originally scheduled. After a brief discussion, the Council determined <br />that staff is to work with Mr. Hoisington to reschedule the meeting and <br />report to the Council at its next meeting. <br />Goiffon made motion, Barnes seconded, to adjourn at 10:35 PM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Robert A. Museus <br />City Administrator <br />