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MINUTES OF THE JOINT HUGO CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING <br />MAY 29, 1996 <br />CITY COUNCIL PRESENT: Barnes, Goiffon, LaValle. Leroux, Miron <br />PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: <br />Kellison, Malaski <br />PLANNING COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: <br />Peltier, Waller, Schumann, Rubenzer, <br />Agness <br />The Mayor convened a joint meeting of the Hugo City Council and Planning <br />Commission at 7:40PM. at the Rice Lake Park Building to hear and consider <br />a staff report regarding the redevelopment of the Fuld Eagle Industrial <br />Park. The City Administrator reviewed the objectives originally <br />established for the planning process. He explained that the plan as <br />envisioned has three components. <br />1. The expansion of Wilson Tool, Intl. along 130th St. <br />2. The realignment of the railroad track through the Grace Development <br />property and the development of six new businesses in the park. <br />3. The potential movement of Interstate Lumber from its current location <br />on Trunk Highway 61 and Co. Rd. 8 to the intersection of 134th St. and <br />Trunk Highway 61 in the industrial park. <br />Ed Elliott of Loucks and Associates explained to the Council the <br />opportunities that have been identified in the planning process for the <br />expansion of industry in the community, as well as some of the limitations <br />and constraints placed on the project by existing land uses, geographic <br />boundaries, existing utilities, roads and other features. <br />Tom Angus, of OSM presented public improvements to be constructed as part <br />of the project, including construction of Falcon Ave. from 1.30th St. to <br />1•34th St., the construction of 134th St. from Trunb:. Highway 61 to Falcon <br />Ave., the addition of water service along 134th St. <br />Pete Willenbring, of WSB, explained the proposed method for controlling <br />and treating storm water runoff from the site. Mike Lamb, Loucks and <br />Assoc. described the potential layout of the park, as well as the <br />development standards proposed. Rusty Fifield. Ehlers and Associates, <br />explained the financial plan which included expending state aid street <br />funds for the construction of Falcon Avenue, the use of TIF to finance <br />public improvements and write down land acquisition costs. <br />Staff then took questions from the Planning Commission and Council and the <br />audience in attendance at the meeting. <br />Administrator MUseus stated that if the Council wished to proceed with <br />this project it authorize staff to negotiate agreements with the potential <br />businesses to move into the park and property owners to determine the <br />feasibility of the project. He also recommended the Council authorize the <br />establishment of a TIF district in the near future in order to assist <br />those businesses who wish to construct in the park this year, and as a <br />hedge against any future change in TIF law by the state legislature. <br />