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City Council meeting of August 26, 1996 <br />Page <br />of the creek channel under the old railroad bridge of Highway 61, which <br />has become blocked with debris. Mr. Willenbrinq stated that the Rice <br />Creek Watershed District has budgeted for a study to determine the legal <br />grade and depth of the channel and to determine if any of the culverts <br />along the channel are obstructinq its flow. The Council directed Mr. <br />Willenbrinq to work with the RCWD in the preparation of their study in <br />order to insure that it meets the City's needs. The Council will review <br />the RCWD report once it is completed to determine if any additional work <br />would be required to develop the management plan for the channel. <br />In addition, Council directed staff to contact Washington County Public <br />Works Department to have the channel under the old railroad bridge <br />inspected and cleaned as necessary. <br />Mr. Willenbring and Mr. Hubmer discussed the City's draft stormwater <br />management plan with the Council, including issues which have been raised <br />by the water management organizations who have reviewed the document. Mr. <br />Willenbring requested that the Council consider becoming the local <br />government unit responsible for implementation of the Wetlands <br />Conservation Act of 1991, as well as becoming the permitting agency for <br />drainage plans. After some discussion, the Council stated its preference <br />that these services continue to be provided by the Rice Creek. Watershed <br />District, but the City will reserve the right to review this matter at a <br />future date. By default, the City will assume the responsibilities for <br />-the Wetland Conservation Act and drainage management in the Carnelian, <br />Marine, and Brown's Creek Watersheds. <br />Mr. Willenbrinq stated he had reviewed the report prepared by Montgomery <br />Watson for a proposed outlet from School Section/Goggins Lake basin to <br />relieve the flooding experienced in this area. He recommended that the <br />Council give more consideration to piping the water from the basin to <br />either Brown's Creek. or Long Lake since an open ditch would require more <br />maintenance and, potentially, be a problem due to freezing in the winter <br />months. <br />At 9:55PM Goiffon made motion. Leroux: seconded, to recess this meetino <br />until 9.00AM on August 28, 1996. <br />ALL AYE. MOTION PASSED. <br />Robert MUseus, <br />City Administrator <br />