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City Council meeting of October 7, 1996 <br />Page 4 <br />presented to the Council for their review. It was Mr. Elliott's opinion <br />that the proposed changes met the intent of the City Council to eliminate <br />the retail sale and storage of nonagricultural goods from the site. <br />Barnes made motion, Agness seconded, to approve the request of Jim Bever, <br />7131 - 132nd Street, for a SUP to conduct a wholesale/light retail <br />landscape business according to the site plan submitted, and subject to <br />the following special conditions: <br />1. No more than five (5) individuals may be employed by the business <br />operated on the site. <br />2. Hours of operation shall be limited to 8:00AM to 7:OOPM, Monday <br />through Friday, and 8:00AM to 12 noon on Saturdays. Closed on Sunday. <br />3. Signs on the site shall be limited to one 4' x 8' business <br />identification sign. The height, design, and location shall be <br />subject to the City's sign ordinance. <br />4. Samples of modular block, boulders, brick, rock, fountains, and other <br />ornamental goods may be displayed on site to facilitate the wholesale <br />sales of such landscaping materials; however, there shall be no <br />exterior storage of these items, and delivery of these <br />non-agricultural goods shall be direct from the manufacturer to the <br />client. <br />5. On-site activities shall include the growing of trees and shrubs, <br />wholesale of plant materials, and retail sales limited to trees, <br />shrubs, flowers, and other plant materials. <br />6. This permit shall expire with any subdivision of the property. <br />7. Activities on this site shall be subject to reasonable regulation, <br />including future licensing, if deemed necessary by the City, through <br />ordinance. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PUD CONCEPT REVIEW (BACKES) <br />Mr. Dennis Backes of Brooklyn Center presented a concept plan for the <br />development of 136 acres located along Elmcrest Avenue north of 140th <br />Street (Wenzel property).as a mixed single-family/townhouse development. <br />The concept plan was reviewed by the Planning Commission on September 25, <br />1996, and Mr. Backes requested time to resent the plan to the Council for <br />guidance prior to preparation of a preliminary plat. Mayor Miron stated <br />that because the City's Comprehensive Plan has not yet been approved, <br />discussion of this proposal is premature. No action was required of the <br />Council on the review. <br />OCTOBER BUDGET WORKSHOP <br />Staff recommended that the City Council conduct a workshop during October <br />as part of its review of the City's 1997 budget. This workshop would <br />cover potential public works projects during 1997, including streets and <br />utilities. <br />Barnes made motion, Leroux seconded, to schedule a Council workshop for <br />Tuesday, October 29, 1996, at 7:30PM, to discuss potential public works <br />projects during 1997, including streets and utilities as part of the <br />City's 1997 budget. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />