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Hl::lyUNQU LOW Minutes - February 1, 1995 <br />Page 2 <br />OSM Engineer Willenbring responded to several questions and answers from <br />Council and audience members as follows: <br />- It may be possible to construct an additional culvert to handle low -flow <br />conditions, creating additional capacity underneath 35E (5 to 15 years <br />into the future). <br />- The Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) has been briefly updated, but <br />it would be appropriate to obtain direction from the City Councils prior <br />to "selling" the project to the RCWD. <br />- The RCWD probably would not support an increase in capacity or peak rate <br />across 35E, but may be more receptive to downstream improvements. <br />- It would be important to assure wetland draw down, versus draining of <br />the wetlands. Of concern is the Wetland Conservation Act. <br />- Increasing the amount of wate=r- in wetlands during storms and controlling <br />runoff is the most cost effective way to deal with drainage concerns with <br />the subject area. <br />- The most effective utilization of water storage is within the em i.sting <br />wetlands. <br />- It would be a goal to drain water out of wetlands between storm events <br />to ensure storage. <br />- The proposed Lino Lakes development south of Cedar Street and west of <br />Elm Street will not significantly affect this proposed drainage concept. <br />- Funding will be the most difficult issue. <br />- It would be appropriate to meet with representatives from the City of <br />Centerville if the Councils from Hugo and (....cakes would like to promote <br />this drainage concept. <br />- The issues that the RCWD will be considering are ditch laws, wetland <br />issues, development of a regional ponding area and controlled runoff. <br />Hugo Administrator Museus summarized the proposed process to include three <br />issues: <br />1. Low flow under Int:.erstat:.e -SSE <br />2. Rechannelizing Clearwater Creek <br />3. Regulating development_ to improve wetland storage. <br />OSM Engineer Willenbring advised that if the Hugo and Lino Lake City <br />Councils are comfortable with the project, the planning process could be <br />completed through the following Steps: <br />1. <br />Identify <br />the project <br />as high priority. <br />2. <br />Present <br />to project to <br />the RCWD. <br />3. <br />Discuss <br />the project with <br />the City of Centerville. <br />4. <br />Prepare <br />a preliminary <br />draft plan for the Cities of Hugo and Lino <br />Lakes to <br />review. <br />5. <br />Draft a <br />Joint Powers <br />Agreement. (JPA). <br />Hugo Administrator Museus noted that Clearwater Creek has not been cleaned <br />since 1958. He suggested that the RCWD help pay for the cost of creek <br />improvements. <br />OSM Engineer Willenbring suggested that possibly the RCWD could abandon <br />the Creek as a judicial ditch and redesignate it as a municipal ditch. He <br />did express concern that other contiguous cities may want to continue the <br />Creek as judicial. <br />