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MINUTES FOR THE SPECIAL HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL S. 1995 <br />The special meeting was convened at HUoo City Hall at 9:00 AM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes. Goiffon, LaValle, Leroux, Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />City Engineer, Joel Dresel <br />City Attorney. Greg Galler <br />Concerned citizen, Ed Waller <br />The purpose for this special meeting was for the Council to conduct a road <br />tour of the City. Numerous complaints regarding the condition of City <br />road, following Spring thaw, were received by the City and Council <br />members. The Council determined on March 20, 1995 to inspect the roadways <br />in the City. <br />The Council drove the City streets, and determined that many gravel roads <br />had the following problems: <br />1. Drainage ditches along_ roadsides are nonexistent or where they are <br />present, are often in a state of serious disrepair. <br />2. Wind rows of gravel created by snowplowing during the winter are <br />impeding drainage from the road surface. <br />3. Street traffic has in many places mixed the road gravel surface with <br />subbase creating_ stretches of mud which will not carry the weight of <br />traffic. <br />Specifically, Council members had the followinq concerns: <br />1. Dead End sion should be placed on 142nd Street at Ego Lake Road. <br />�. The bituminous pavement on 129th Street, near Elmcrest Avenue, needs <br />to be repaired. <br />3. Both 126th Street and 124th Street, west of Falcon Avenue, are <br />suffering from serious pavement deterioration and need patching. <br />4. The visibility of a Stop Sign on 152nd Street at Irish Avenue is being <br />obscured by tree branches. <br />5. The elevation of the culvert across Ingersoll Avenue at 165th Street <br />should be reviewed to insure adequate drainage from the east of the <br />road. <br />The engineer's notes are attached and made a part of these minutes. <br />The Council returned to City Hall at approximately 12:.:5 PM, where the <br />meeting was adjourned by consent. <br />Robert A. Museus <br />City Administrator <br />