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City Council meeting of April 24, 1995 <br />Page 2 <br />and Barnes both indicated that the existing homeowners' park on the south <br />side of the development would be a better location for a neighborhood park <br />area, and that the City should enter into negotiations with the <br />Homeowners' Association to acquire this land. <br />Traffic concerns on the proposed 127th Street were discussed. The <br />proposed road width and sidewalks were issues that the City Engineer needs <br />to review. <br />The Council indicated an interest in using the easement for Falcon Avenue, <br />between Wilson Tool and proposed development as a buffer between the <br />development and adjacent industrial uses. The City Attorney stated that <br />the easement document providing the roadway to the City should be reviewed <br />to insure that the Council could use the area for this purpose. Mr. Duffy <br />stated that the road easement was provided to the City, by the developer, <br />and the developer had no objection for its use as a buffer, and will work <br />with the City to make the buffering possible. The developer also <br />indicated that the would be willing to plant trees along the easement to <br />reduce the conflict between Wilson Tool and the proposed adjacent <br />residential properties. <br />Mayor Miron brought up the issue of the tile line running through the <br />homeowners' park. which needs to be protected during construction work, <br />and that there may be other tile lines crossing the property at unknown <br />locations. The Council felt that the Development Agreement for this <br />project should place the responsibility of locating and protecting these <br />lines on the developer. <br />Mr. Pete Pedersen, representing the homeowners in the area, presented some <br />issues to the Council as follows: <br />1. The 20 conditions recommended by the Planning Commission should be <br />included in the Development Agreement. <br />2. The homeowners have recently signed new covenants regarding <br />maintenance of the homeowners' park, and the park was recorded on the <br />ownership of 50 separate deeds. <br />3. Requested that the City give consideration to moving the location of <br />the proposed lift station on Ethan Avenue from the lot line to protect <br />adjacent residents from its noise. <br />4. The homeowners were supportive of moving the mitigation area from the <br />property line of Oak Shore Park to another location. <br />5. The City needs to seriously consider the appropriate construction <br />standards and road widths for 127th Street given the expected traffic. <br />6. He indicated Planning Commission responsibilities in subdivision <br />approval and development need to be clarified. <br />7. He stated concern regarding the drainage problems in the Bald Eagle <br />Estates and Lake Air Estates developments, and that the City should <br />insure that similar problems are not created by the new development. <br />8. The proposed location of the 11 1/2 acre park may be better suited to <br />some sort of commercial activity surrounding the proposed bike trail <br />along Highway 61, and that the homeowners were opposed to lights in <br />the ball park. <br />