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1995.05.02 CC Minutes - Special Council meeting
City Council
City Council Minutes
1995 CC Minutes
1995.05.02 CC Minutes - Special Council meeting
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MINUTES FOR THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 2, 1995 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fran Miron at 7:30 PM. <br />PRESENT: Goiffon, LaValle, Leroux, Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />OSM engineer, Pete Willenbring <br />MNDNR, Moll/ Shodeen <br />RCWD, Kate Drewry <br />ABSENT: Debra Barnes <br />The purpose of the meeting was to hear public comments regarding future <br />City improvements and management of the water level of the Homestead <br />Avenue pond located north of C.R. SA and east of Homestead Avenue. Molly <br />Shodeen, area hydrologist for MNDNR, provided an introduction to the <br />meeting, and stated that the DNR had established an ordinary high water <br />level for the pond. Pete Willenbring gave a description of the area, and <br />stated that the purpose of the project was to establish a final management <br />plan for the pond, taking into account the concerns of area residents, <br />the DNR, and the RCWD. <br />Ms. Shodeen then opened the meeting for discussion. Ed Waller stated that <br />he believed that there had already been an agreement made to bounce the <br />pond's water elevation by 2' in order to avoid excessive discharges of <br />storm water downstream during the growing season, and that he believed the <br />pond should be drained in the spring and allowed to fill up during the <br />remainder of the year. Doug Blanchard stated that there should be a <br />designated water elevation maintained by the City, and that he was <br />concerned for the runoff impact on the Waller fields. Ted Jacobson <br />preferred to keep the pond at the current elevation, as when it dries up, <br />it smells and becomes a mosquito haven. He also stated there was some <br />potential for dredging out the pond to create more capacity for water <br />storage. Mike Anderson stated he was representing Lorraine Wolf, a <br />property owner just downstream from the pond's outlet, and explained that <br />they had filled in a portion of the front yard of Ms. Wolf's property <br />approximately two years ago, and installed a 40' culvert. Discharge water <br />from the pond collects on Ms. Wolf's property degrading its use by the <br />family, and becoming a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Jim Brevig stated <br />that an elevation had been agreed upon during litigation in the 70's, and <br />that the culvert had been placed at a lower elevation by the City. He <br />stated that he wished to have the pond at a high enough elevation to <br />maintain water frontage on his property, and that evaporation in summer <br />brings the level down naturally. He also indicated concern regarding the <br />septic systems on the Blanchard and Atkinson property. <br />Pete Willenbring asked the audience whether the current elevation of the <br />pond was acceptable, and the residents indicated that the pond level is <br />about where they would like it to be. Pete then summarised issues raised <br />during the meeting, which included aesthetics, wildlife, impact on septic <br />systems, and downstream drainage. <br />Molly Shodeen thanked the residents for coming to the meeting, and Pete <br />stated that a management plan for the pond would be developed in the next <br />two -to -three months. <br />
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