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City Council meeting of May 15, 1995 <br />Page 2 <br />Carlson, attorney for Mr. Minich, as well as Mr. Minich, were present at <br />the meeting. Mr. Carlson explained steps taken by Mr. Minich to correct <br />the problem, and asked that the Council take into consideration that Mr. <br />Minich has been in business for two years, and has not had any similar <br />problems with the City. <br />Miron made motion, LaValle seconded, to accept the signed Stipulation in <br />the matter of allegations of liquor license violations against versus LAM <br />International, Inc., d/b/a R.J.' Lounge. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />LaValle made motion, Barnes seconded, that the City of Hugo suspend Mr. <br />Minich's liquor license three days for each violation (15 days). Mr. <br />Minich has the option to submit a plan to the City Attorney within 10 days <br />from May 15, 1995 for a voluntary surrender of the license for 10 days, <br />which shall include two weekends. The voluntary surrender shall take <br />place within ._.O days from May 15, 1995. If Mr. Minich does not submit a <br />plan for surrender, then the City will suspend his license for 15 days <br />starting at 12:01 AM on May 27, 1995 until 12:01 AM, June 11, 1995. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes and LaValle <br />VOTING NAY: Goiffon, Lerou::, Miron <br />Motion Failed. <br />Leroux made motion, Goiffon seconded, to fine Leonard Minich $l,0C.)0.0C) fol <br />liquor license violations, and suspend his liquor license for a three-day <br />period, to include one weekend (three consecutive days starting on a <br />Friday). Suspension is to take place within 30 days from this date <br />(5/15/95). <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, Miron <br />VOTING NAY: LaValle <br />Motion Carried. <br />PUBLIC HEARING (AMENDMENT TO SOLID WASTE ORDINANCE) <br />A public hearing was held to consider amending the City's solid waste <br />ordinance by increasing the number of licensed haulers permitted to <br />operate in the community from six to seven. There were no oral or written <br />comments. <br />LaValle made motion, Goiffon seconded, to adopt ORDINANCE 95-298 AN <br />ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 120 OF THE HUGO CITY CODE REGULATING THE <br />LICENSING, COLLECTION, AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE, OTHER REFUSE, RECYCLABLES, <br />AND YARD WASTES BY INCREASING THE NUMBER: OF HAULERS ALLOWED TO OPERATE <br />WITHIN THE CITY FROM SIX TO SEVEN. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Goiffon, LaValle, Leroux, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />PUBLIC HEARING (AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS) <br />A public hearing was held to consider amending the City's subdivision <br />regulations regarding street construction standards. There were no oral <br />or written comments. '• <br />