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b@Y@I@pm@nt. He informed the Council that there was potential for <br />bringing an industrial firm to the community and that would be beneficial <br />to the city to include development of a site for the firm in conjunction <br />with the proposed residential development. A concept paper was provided <br />the Council explaining the staff's proposal for expanding Woods of Bald <br />Eagle Development into two phases. Phase one being the residential <br />development as proposed by Grace Development. Phase two, which is subject <br />to numerous contingencies, would be the construction of Falcon Ave, and <br />134th St. from Trunk Highway 61 as required infrastructure for industrial <br />development. Council initially discussed the phase one proposal with the <br />developer to include improvement of a drainage channel from the Wilson <br />Tool pond to the east side of the development: the location of mitigation <br />areas required for street construction as part of the project; the <br />acquisition of the Oakshore Parti:. Homeowners Association recreation area; <br />and oversizing the utilities to serve the residential development to the <br />south. <br />The Council also discussed Phase 2, specifically the construction of <br />Falcon Ave. from 132nd St. to 134th St., using state aid street funds and <br />reimbursement to the developer of part of the cost of constructinq Falcof-1 <br />Ave. from 1.32nd to 130th St. due to it's servicing a City water tower <br />site. <br />The Council indicated that city staff and the developer should continue <br />working on conditions of preliminary plat approval and provide them to the <br />Council when completed. <br />A resolution requested by the Council was presented by the staff declarinc <br />a portion of 140th St. between County Rd. GA and Keystone Ave. a "No <br />Parking" area due to the high water levels of Lake Plaisted. <br />Barnes made motion, seconded by Goiffon to adopt Resolution 95-8 declaring <br />the area no parking zone and directing staff to install notification <br />signs. <br />Roll Call: All aye, motion passed. <br />The council considered a feasibility report prepared by the City engineer <br />for the development of the Svoboda property, generally located west of <br />Highway 61 and north of Flay Ave. as a site for the post office. <br />Due to the late hour staff was directed to place the item on the Council <br />agenda of June 12th for consideration. <br />At 11:()OPM Goiffon made motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by <br />LaValle. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Robert Museus <br />City Administrator <br />