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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 5. 1995 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fran Miron at 7:00 PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Goiffon, LaValle, Leroux, Miron <br />City Attorney, Greg Galler <br />City Engineer, Joel Dresel <br />City Clerk., Mary Ann Creaqer <br />The following items are to be added to tonight's agenda: discussion on <br />Homestead Avenue Pond and correspondence from Met Council. <br />LeroLIX made motion. Barnes seconded, to adopt the following consent <br />agenda: <br />Minutes for City Council meeting of June 19, 1995 <br />Claims for ,July 5, 1995 in the amount of $86,C-)51.92 <br />Letter to Erichson <br />Recycling Grant <br />Set Hearing Date (Shoreland Ordinance) <br />Park. Use Request (Health East) <br />Variance (Watkins) <br />Table Certificate of Occupancy Ordinance <br />The foregoing Consent Agenda was adopted unanimously. <br />134TH STREET RAILROAD GRADE CROSSING <br />In response to Council request, the City Engineer prepared a cost estimate <br />to request an additional street crossing of the Burlington Northern <br />railroad line, running parallel. to T.H. 61. The proposed crossing is at <br />134th Street. <br />Leroux made motion, Barnes seconded, directing City staff to prepare the <br />required study for an additional street crossing of the BUrlington <br />Northern Railroad line running parallel. to T.H. 61, and submit an <br />application to MNDOT and Burlington Northern Railroad for said crossing. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SPECIAL USE. PERMIT - HARL..EY JOHNSON <br />Mr. Harley Johnson, Jr., 14196 Fenway Avenue, has requested a Special Use <br />Permit to construct a. 66' X 48' pole barn at the above address. The <br />property i=. Currently zoned RR1, which allows 1.200 sq. ft. of accessory <br />buildings. Thi_. property is aubiect to an existing SUP permitting a 48' X <br />63' strur_tUre already located on the site. Mr. Johnson has stated that he <br />needs. t_t-;e additional building to store farm equipment related to his sod <br />business. The Planning Commission considered this request at their <br />meeting of June 28, 1995, and recommended approval with no conditions. <br />Councilman LaValle stated that because he lives adjacent to Mr. Johnson, <br />he would be abstaining from voting on this matter. He also stated that <br />this would be a good time to review Mr. Johnson's SUP because of the <br />potential of problems with new residents and his trucking business, the <br />following concerns were addressed: document as to what exists relative to <br />his business, truck traffic, hours of operation, and dust on Fenway <br />Avenue. <br />