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City Council meeting of July 5, 1995 <br />Page _ <br />Councilman LaValle stated that he was concerned with the demolition site <br />located out side of the screened area, and had heard about a report of the <br />site from Jennifer Volkman from MPCA, and was waiting for a copy of said <br />report from her. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux; seconded, to table this matter until the meeting <br />of July 17, 1995. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PUBLIC HEARING ( PROPOSED DOG ORDINANCE Z <br />A public hearing was held to consider adoption of a proposed ordinance <br />regulating dogs in the City, including the keeping thereof and providing <br />for their licensing. The public hearing was called to order and the <br />following comments were made by attending residents opposed to the <br />proposed ordinance: reference to "nuisance" was too vague, opposed to <br />implied consent, too much power to animal control officers (bounty <br />hunters), licensing requirements for kennels/dogs, and how will fees be <br />used. Comments from residents favoring an ordinance: barking dogs, dogs <br />running at large, and harboring vicious animals. A large number of the <br />residents present at the hearing offered their expertise to aid the City <br />in adopting an acceptable ordinance for the Cit;. <br />LaValle made motion, Go.iffon seconded, to table the proposed ordinance for <br />60 days to allow input from residents. Council members Debra Barnes and <br />Marvin LaValle will. meet with residents and report their recommendat.iOns <br />to the Council. <br />All ave. Motion Carried. <br />PRELIMINARY PL.AIT/ PUD _APPROVAL _ ( WOODS OF BALD EAGLE) <br />The Council reviewed the proposed conditions of preliminary plat approval. <br />for the development known as Woods of Fuld Eagle. It is envisioned that <br />two separate Agreements will be entered into between Grace Development <br />Corporation and the City. The first is a Development Agreement for the <br />residential development, as proposed. The seconded Agreement would <br />indicate, in concept, the future development of the Corporation's property <br />to the north and east. Future development of this property would be <br />subject to its own subdivision approval process. <br />Ler-OUx: made motion, LaValle seconded, for preliminary plat approval for <br />the PUD of Woods of Fuld Eagle subject to Development Agreements for Phase <br />1 as Outlined in the Proposed Conditions of Preliminary Flat Approval for <br />Woods Of Bald Eagle, dated June 28, 1995, as amended, and to include other <br />terms and conditions to be worked out between City staff and the Developer <br />in line with the City's normal policies, and also upon the successful <br />drafting and agreement to a second Development Agreement regarding future <br />possible phases of the PUD. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />