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P.C./C.C. Minutes - August 28, 1995 <br />Page 2 <br />firm already had a good range of knowledge on the community and this wou14 <br />speed the process. Mr. Agness also stated that the market research <br />component of the downtown plan was critical to it's future implementation <br />and that he believed that the market research should be done by a separate <br />firm from the planner at the end of the planning process as a check on the <br />plans feasibility. <br />Planning Commissioner Peltier stated that she found RLK and Loucks <br />acceptable and was willing to go with Loucks. <br />Planning Commissioner Malaski believed Loucks or Hoisington were both <br />acceptable but due to the substantial cost difference between the two <br />firms. would recommend Loucks and Associates. <br />Commissioner Miltz-Miller felt that the past experience with Loucks and <br />the time and effort they seem willing to put into the project made them a <br />logical choice. <br />Commissioner Rubenzer expressed his preference for Hoisington, Koegler <br />Incorporated with concern regarding their cost and conceded that Loucks <br />and Associates had worked well with the City in the past and were an <br />acceptable second choice. <br />Following the Planning Commission's comments the Mayor opened the <br />discussion among the Council. <br />Councilman Leroux indicated that the Planning Commissions strong support <br />for Loucks and Associates, given their recent experience in revising the <br />City's comprehensive plan with the firm, made them a logical choice. <br />Councilman Goiffon indicated his support for Hoisington, Koegler. <br />Coucilwoman Barnes expressed her concerns that in order for the plan to be <br />implemented, there needs to be a strong community participation component <br />in it's development and, with some reservations on their cost, supported <br />Hoisington Koegler. <br />Councilman LaValle stated that he would prefer that the selection of a <br />consultant be included in the City's 1996 budget preparation process in <br />order to insure that the financial resources were available to conduct the <br />study. <br />Mayor Miron also expressed his belief that Hoisington may provide a fresh <br />look at the community and bring new ideas into the downtown redevelopment <br />process. <br />Leroux made a motion, seconded by Goiffon to direct the City Administrator <br />to enter negotiations with Loucks and Associates, and Hoisington Koegler <br />Group. Incorporated to refine their proposals for future consideration. <br />A11 aye. <br />Motion carried. <br />