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Commissioner Arcand asked that when the O'Reillys representatives say "no more <br />conditions or restrictions," what that exactly means and if they are referring to Planner <br />Juba not reviewing any of their plans. <br />Mr. Wold and Ms. Higbie stated that they are still willing to work with staff but really <br />want to come to a closure and have approval so they can move onto the next phase of the <br />project. They gave examples of conditions in the resolution that could be removed. <br />Planner Juba explained to the commission that staff's recommendation is based on the <br />conditions listed in the resolution and if the applicant wants to discuss specific items to <br />remove, they should go through each one by one. <br />Commissioner Arcand thanked the representatives and stated that it's important to the <br />City to have something that looks attractive for a primary point in the City. He stated he <br />would like to see the conditions remain in the resolution. <br />Chair Gwynn opened open up public hearing. <br />Steve Cox approached the podium. He stated that he owns the property directly adjacent <br />to the proposed site, on 14797 Forest Boulevard. Mr. Cox stated that he owns a business <br />that will be a direct competitor to the proposed O'Reilly Auto Parts store. Mr. Cox stated <br />that he believed that the Planning Commission was being asked to grant extreme <br />variances to the current ordinances on the books. He stated that if you look at the <br />variances, as a whole, the variances are encompassing around putting a building that is <br />physically too big on the property, based on the City guidelines and ordinances. He <br />explained that the downtown development guidelines state that the businesses the City <br />encourage be unique, independently owned businesses that compliment other businesses <br />in Hugo. He believes that O'Reillys does not compliment the current businesses. Mr. <br />Cox concluded that the Planning Commission needs to consider whether or not this <br />building meets the variance requirements and if it will meet the variance requirements of <br />the future. Mr. Cox also stated that he was obligated to buy additional vacant land to <br />meet the parking ordinance when he bought his business. He doesn't think it's <br />reasonable that one business is required to purchase additional space and another business <br />can be granted variance to the same ordinance. Mr. Cox also wanted the Planning <br />Commission to understand what message they will be sending current business owners in <br />Hugo by the decision that will be made tonight. <br />Commissioner Rosenquist asked if it was true that he had to buy extra parking spaces for <br />his property. <br />Mr. Cox answered that it was true. He stated that the former City Administrator said to <br />meet to parking ordinance, he had to purchase more property to accommodate parking <br />spots. <br />