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Planning Commission Minutes — January 24, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br />The Commission asked the applicant about noise levels. <br />Dennis Thompson, the applicant, responded that the noise was minimal. The presses released a <br />burst of air when they rotated, and if it was a problem, he could put a baffle on it. He said the <br />noise could not be heard when they were in their home. <br />There were no other comments, and Schumann closed the public hearing. <br />Weidt made motion, Bailly seconded, to recommend approval of the Interim Use Permit for Ann <br />and Dennis Thompson at 13755 Elmcrest Avenue North. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />D.K. Dockendorf — Property Line Adjustment and Site Plan <br />The Commission considered the application of D.K. Dockendorf for a property line adjustment <br />and site plan for property located at the northeast corner of Fenway Boulevard North and 130th <br />Street North. <br />Associate Planner Rachel Simone explained the property line currently ran north to south <br />between the properties, making two long and narrow parcels that would be difficult to build on. <br />The applicant was proposing the lot line between the properties to be adjusted to run east to west <br />to form two square pieces of property. The property line adjustment met all of the zoning <br />requirements in the General Industrial District (I-3). The applicant also applied for a site plan <br />review for the proposed northern parcel, which is approximately 1.6 acres. The site plan <br />included a one story 17,920 square foot office/warehouse building with seven suites that will be <br />sold to individual owners. The south parcel is owned separately, and is not proposed to be <br />developed at this time. The request met all the requirements in the zoning ordinance; however, <br />the staff had issues with the lack of room to maneuver larger vehicles in the rear portion of the <br />property and the lack of a parapet wall to screen rooftop mechanical equipment. Without the <br />parapet wall, no mechanical equipment could be located on the roof. <br />Schumann opened the public hearing. <br />Joan Laine, 4949 130th Street North, asked about exterior storage. Community Development <br />Director Bryan Bear said they were not proposing any large vehicles to be parked on the site, and <br />there was nothing in the covenants of the Bald Eagle Industrial Park that prohibited parking <br />business vehicles there. <br />The applicant Dale Dockendorf addressed the issue of mechanical rooftop screening. He said it <br />would cost approximately $21,000 to raise the parapet wall, and he was comfortable with not <br />letting anyone put rooftop units on the building. He said he had three or four interested parties <br />who were not concerned about it. <br />Commission members considered other options for the mechanical equipment and, given the <br />lack of room in the back of the building and the uncertainty of the needs of future tenants of the <br />