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Planning Commission Meeting January 21, 2004 - page 2 <br />uses in accessory buildings and non -conforming businesses. Planner Lindahl noted that the <br />current ordinance appears to address those issues. <br />Chair Schumann asked that staff provide a current copy of the Comprehensive Land Use <br />Regulations to all Commissioners. Additionally, the Commissioners would like a current copy of <br />the zoning map, land use map, Everton Avenue study with maps and a Washington County plat <br />map. <br />Planner Lindahl noted that staff would provide copies of the land use regulations and zoning map <br />to the Commissioners in February. Staff would provide the other information if available, but <br />noted that she was not aware of any copies of the Washington County plat map at City Hall. <br />The Commissioners discussed the status of the CSAH 8 alignment and Chair Schumann noted <br />that the alignment had been reviewed and was unlikely to change. <br />The design standards for downtown were noted as a critical development issue and staff noted that <br />the Council did authorize Landform to restart the downtown plan. Staff will be identifying <br />possible dates for the joint Planning Commission/ City Council workshop and the design charrette <br />and will share those dates as soon as they are approved by the City Council. <br />The Planning Commissioners tentatively ranked their 2004 goals follows: <br />1. Downtown design guidelines and downtown transportation plan <br />2. Transitions <br />3. Mix of housing types <br />4. Cluster housing/transfer of development rights/rural PUD standards <br />5. Rural preservation <br />6. Mixed use standards <br />7. Home based business standards <br />The Commissioners noted that the priority ranking is tentative only and should be reviewed again <br />at their February 12th Planning Commission meeting and placed early on the agenda. <br />Miscellaneous <br />Commissioner Rosenquist suggested that the Commission consider designating the 2nd meeting of <br />the month for policy discussions related to implementation of the 2004 goals. The Commission <br />also discussed the possibility of holding special meetings as needed to accomplish these goals. <br />Saturday meetings were suggested but several Commissioners noted conflicts. <br />Adjournment <br />Rosenquist made motion, Schumann seconded, to adjourn at 8:46 p.m. <br />All ayes. Motion carried. <br />