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Planning Commission Meeting December 12, 2002 - page 2 <br />There were no other comments and Schumann closed the public hearing. <br />Malaski suggested they amend one of the conditions of the conditional permit to state they were <br />only permitted to sell late model/classic automobiles and trucks only, and amend another <br />condition to include a requirement that the applicant maintain the fence. Malaski also suggested a <br />condition be added to limited the number of stored vehicles to five. <br />Kleissler asked if they had established hours of operation. The applicant stated they operate <br />between the hours of 9:00 am and 6:00 pm Monday through Friday, and 10:00 am and 3:00 pm on <br />Saturdays. The CD Director asked of these hours were based on the State license or their own <br />interest and Bertuleit said it was due to their own interest. McRoberts suggested a condition be <br />added to the permit that stated their hours of operation. <br />Malaski made motion, Peltier seconded, to recommend approval of the conditional use permit <br />with the four noted amendments to the draft conditional use permit. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />National Recycling Site Plan & Variance for Sign <br />The Commission considered the request of Rick Mark, 5773 Egg Lake Road, for a variance to <br />construct a sign at his business, National Recycling, Inc. 15717 Forest Boulevard. The applicant <br />specifically requested to construction a 76 square foot pylon sign where the ordinance limits the <br />size of a pylon sign to 36 feet. <br />The property was formally occupied by Erickson Trucking. The current business, National <br />Recycling, moved to this location earlier this year. In June, the applicant received a permit to <br />install a 22 square foot pylon sign. The applicant has also installed signage on the building. <br />Staff found that the requested variance would result in a significant departure from the purpose <br />and intent of the sign ordinance because the illuminated sign would have adverse effects on the <br />homes along Highway 61. Staff also found that there are no unique circumstances associated with <br />the parcel that would warrant the granting of a variance, and other properties along Highway 61 <br />did not have pylon signs that exceed 36 square feet. <br />Schumann pointed out that the sign would stand 20 feet in the air. <br />Mark stated that the sign would not give off any more light than the current sign and would be <br />dimmer than other signs for businesses that do not have as much traffic as his. Mark pointed out <br />that there were no residents from the homes in the area present at the meeting to speak against his <br />request. <br />Mark said he felt the installation of the larger sign would promote safer traffic since cars traveling <br />at 55 miles per hour would not pass him by and need to turn around. <br />McRoberts asked if a future business could move onto the property and have the same size sign if <br />the variance was granted, and the CD Director replied that the variance would follow the property, <br />not National Recycling. <br />