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Planning Commission Minutes - March 26, 1997 <br />Page 2 <br />Mr. LaCasse stated that Rice Creek Watershed was reviewing the request that evening and no permit was <br />going to be required to his knowledge. <br />Commissioners Kellison and Malaski opposed the request citing that there are no public utilities to the site, <br />the comp plan proposes the area commercial, the request constituted spot zoning, and industrial zones do <br />not allow residential uses. <br />Motion made by Kellison, seconded by Malaski to recommend denial of the request to rezone 16953 Forest <br />Blvd., from Agriculture to Industrial, and denial of the Special Use Permit based on the reasons stated <br />above. <br />AYE: Malaski , Kellison <br />NAY: Waller, Harrison, Schumann, Peltier <br />Motion failed. <br />The applicant opposed the suggestion that this request be tabled until April. <br />Motion made by Peltier, seconded by Waller to forward this request for rezoning and a special use permit <br />to the City Council without a recommendation. <br />AYE: Waller, Harrison, Schumann, Peltier <br />NAY: Malaski, Kellison <br />Motion passed. <br />DOWNTOWN PLAN DISCUSSION <br />Discussion on the downtown plan included the proposed four lane roadway (Forest Blvd.), development of <br />the east side of the roadway being phase 2 or 3, not showing city hall on the plan, identifying developers <br />before proceeding with the plan, and keeping the open space east of the freeway. In addition, <br />Commissioner Kellison felt the plan may be too optimistic being located between White Bear Lake and <br />Forest Lake downtown areas, not being able to capture a large enough share of the market, being too close <br />or far from 35E, and the difficulty in developing the west side of Highway 61 as experienced in White <br />Bear Lake. <br />The Planning Commission would like to schedule a joint meeting with City Council to further discuss the <br />plan. <br />ZONING ORDINANCE DISCUSSION <br />Discussion on the proposed zoning ordinances revision was scheduled for Wednesday April 30, 7:OOPM, <br />Hugo City Hall. <br />Motion made by Schumann, seconded by Peltier to adjourn at 9:40PM. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Carole LaBelle, Secretary <br />Hugo Planning Commission <br />