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PC Meeting, 10-22-97 - page 2 <br />Both Mr. Schumann and Ms. Peltier thought they had dealt with this issue before with the <br />present zoning ordinance in place. <br />Mr. Elliott explained that in recent instances, the City Attorney has determined that a <br />business use and a residential use results in two principal uses of the property, which is a <br />violation of the ordinance. The City Council has then ruled that way. <br />Wally Stoltzman, 8139 North 157th Street, questioned this interpretation of two principal <br />uses. If that were the case, all farms would be in violation of the ordinance. The first <br />principal use would be agriculture and the second residential. <br />Chairman Peltier did not want to vote for denial. She felt nothing in the ordinance says this <br />SUP cannot be granted. <br />Ms. Waller explained that Mr. Elliott is telling us that at the present time the ordinance is <br />being interpreted too literally. <br />The public hearing closed at 7:46 p.m. <br />Mr. Schumann summed the situation up as follows: 1) There is a conflict in the ordinance. <br />2) We should always be willing to work with the applicant. 3) He considers this a secondary <br />use not a principal use. He then made a motion to approve the Miron's request; because it <br />does not violate any of the 8 criteria under item B in the background memo ---and although it <br />conflicts with the home occupation section of the ordinance, it still can be a special use in <br />the Agriculture district. Ms. Peltier seconded his motion. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE PLAN FOR CITY <br />Dave Wanberg; of Sanders, Wacker, Bergly; presented the proposed Park Plan to those in <br />attendance. He told of hours of work on the part of the Park Plan Committee members, <br />most of whom were residents. They, in turn, sought and obtained additional resident input. <br />They had four main goals and objectives. 1) A trail system; 2) A community park with <br />athletic facilities; 3) Natural area preservation; and 4) Neighborhood parks in residential <br />areas. He showed maps, and explained that the plan doesn't recommend the taking of any <br />land from residents. The Legislature had made grant money available ($500,000) to protect <br />these areas in Washington County. <br />Dave Schumann asked if someone actually drove the roads to determine that the areas <br />designated for bikeways, walkways, etc. won't need extensive improvements that might be <br />too costly. <br />Dave Wanberg said that had been done, and that some of these might be tough, but costs <br />will be contained by doing the trails when the roadways are done. <br />At 8:10 p.m., the hearing was opened to the public. <br />The first question came from a woman who didn't identify herself. She asked what plans <br />there were for a trail around Egg Lake. She didn't want any snowmobile trail. <br />