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Minutes for the Planning Commission November 18, 1998 - Page 2 <br />1. The manufactured building used for classroom purposes shall meet the requirements of the State <br />Building Codes, Manufactured Home Division, for such use. <br />2. A non-combustible walkway, meeting handicap code requirements, shall connect the manufactured <br />building to the Rice Lake Park Building for access to sanitation facilities. <br />3. The building shall be removed from the site upon termination of the lease. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Subdivision (Patricia L. Bueno) <br />Patricia L. Bueno, 5326 140th St. N., requested to subdivide a 1.3 acre parcel, at the above address, into <br />three single family lots. All three lots would meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the City's <br />SFU zoning district, but a side yard and rear yard variance would be required for the middle lot, due to the <br />relationship of the existing home on the property and the proposed lot lines. <br />Schumann read the public notice as published in the White Bear Press <br />William Lessard, father of applicant, explained the comer lot would be 100' X 130'; the middle lot <br />containing the house would be 103'X 130'; and the northern lot would meet the minimum requirements <br />of 80' X 130'. Mr. Lessard stated that the driveways would all be accessed from Fenway Avenue and they <br />would be extending the sanitary sewer main to all three lots. <br />Peltier opened the meeting for public comment but there was none <br />Kellison felt a variance on the east property line would be acceptable, but the variance on the rear yard <br />would allow the deck to encroach on the adjacent property line. <br />Mr. Lessard and Ms. Bueno expressed their willingness to remove the deck so a variance of only .4' would <br />be required on the rear lot line. <br />Kellison motioned, Puleo seconded, to recommend approval of the side yard variance of 12.5' and a rear <br />yard variance of 9.6' with the removal of the existing deck. <br />Ayes: Puleo, Kellison, Malaski, Schumann <br />Nay: Peltier <br />Motion carried. <br />Subdivision (Jesperson) <br />Chance of December meetinu date <br />At the Planning Commission meeting of October 28, 1998, the Hugo Planning Commission considered <br />the request of Mr. Morris G. Jespersen, 651 LaBore Rd., Little Canada, to rezone and subdivide 11.14 <br />acres into lots for 40 single family townhomes. At that time, the Planning Commission recommended <br />that the property be rezoned from agricultural to urban residential, but tabled action on the subdivision <br />request until the applicant had addressed five issues regarding the proposed subdivision. Mr. Jespersen <br />phoned the Deputy Clerk on 11-15-98 and informed her they would be prepared to present a revised plan <br />at the Planning Commission meeting in December. <br />Schumann motioned, Peltier seconded, to change the Planning Commission's regularly scheduled meeting <br />date of December 23, 1998, to December 16, 1998, due to the holiday. <br />All ayes. Motion carried. <br />Schumann made motion, Peltier seconded, to table discussion of the Jesperson subdivision until the <br />Planning Commission meeting of December 16, 1998 <br />All ayes. Motion carried. <br />