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Minutes for the Planning Commission January 27, 1999 - Page 2 <br />Subdivision - Whispering Pines <br />On October 28, 1998, the Hugo Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on a proposed subdivision known as <br />Whispering Pines, being proposed by Mr. Morris Jesperson, 651 LaBore Road, Little Canada. Following the hearing, the <br />Planning Commission tabled action on the proposed subdivision to allow the developer to provide additional information <br />including: <br />1. An agreement between all adjoining land owners regarding the cul-de-sac proposed for the project. <br />2. A landscaping plan. <br />3. A permit from Rice Creek Watershed District for drainage. <br />4. A blueprint of the homes to be constructed as part of the project. <br />5. The City Engineer's recommendation regarding using a private road for access to the site. <br />Charlie Melcher from Ulteig Engineering was present to explain the status on the above issues, and provided the Planning <br />Commission a copy of the landscaping plan and blueprints for the homes . He also stated the permit from the Rice Creek <br />Watershed District could not, according the RCWD, be finalized until the Planning Commission had given their <br />recommendation for approval. <br />Melcher stated that the agreement between the land owners regarding the cul-de-sac would not be necessary because they no <br />longer intended to construct a cul-de-sac at the north end of the road going through the development. Instead, they proposed to <br />extend the road to the west a short way and connect it to TH61. <br />The Planning Commission discussed density, sanitary management, and road access to TH61. <br />The primary issue discussed was whether the road through the development should be made private or public. Melcher <br />requested the Planning Commission make a decision on what they would recommend approval of before revising their plan, <br />preferring to construct a private drive that would be maintained, plowed, and mowed by a homeowners' association. It was <br />noted that the setbacks would not be met if it was constructed as a public street. <br />There was concern of a private street being used as a public street should it eventually tie into the Beaver Ponds subdivision. <br />Chuck Haas, Ward 3 Council member, felt safety issues would be compromised and expressed concern regarding the subdivision <br />being located near the gateway of the City and the image it would convey. Haas was also concerned with the excessive <br />impervious service and how it would affect Judicial Ditch #2 and the lowland area in the Bald Eagle Industrial Park. <br />Melcher stated they were in compliance with the Rice Creek Watershed, and their ponds would be meeting the allowed release <br />rate. <br />Tom Jackson, part owner of the property to the north, felt the City should consider the financial gain, which would help pay for <br />infrastructure that is already there, should the area be developed. <br />Puleo made motion, Rubenzer seconded, to recommend approval of the subdivision with a private road. <br />Ayes: Puleo, Rubenzer <br />Nay: Kellison, Schumann, Kleissler, Peltier <br />Motion failed. <br />Rubenzer made motion, Peltier seconded, to table the subdivision request and extend the time deadline 90 days. <br />All Ayes. <br />Motion carried. <br />Subdivision - Brandon Preserve <br />Janet R. Schuneman, 6420 117th St. N., and Richard Paulson of Cedarwood Homes, Inc., had requested to subdivide by PUD <br />82.27 acres located at 130th and Goodview Ave. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on June 24, 1998, <br />where they tabled action and extended the time deadline for 120 days. The applicant requested an additional 90 days in <br />September, creating a deadline date of January 28, 1999. <br />