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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING <br />NOVEMBER 17, 1999 <br />The meeting was called to order by Planning Commission Chairperson Puleo at 7:02 p.m. <br />PRESENT: Kellison, Kleissler, Peltier, Peterson, Puleo, Schumann <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />Deputy Clerk, Michele Lindau <br />ABSENT; Malaski <br />Minutes of October 27,1999 <br />Kellison made motion, Kleissler seconded, to approve the Planning Commission minutes for the <br />meeting of October 27, 1999, as submitted. <br />Ayes: Kellison, Kleissler, Peterson, Puleo <br />Abstain: Peltier, Schumann <br />Conditional Use Permit (Neamy's) <br />The Planning Commission continued discussion on the request of Scott and Lea Ann Neamy, <br />17220 Keystone Ave, for a Conditional Use Permit that would allow operation of a petting zoo, <br />seasonal day camp, and commercial picnic grounds at 17220 Keystone Avenue North. The <br />permit was intended to record the lawful nonconforming uses of the property existing on July 7, <br />1999, and to allow commercial outdoor recreation in accordance with Hugo City Code, Chapter <br />320, Sec. 6.15. The Planning Commission reviewed a copy of a revised Conditional Use Permit <br />reflecting the changes requested by the property owner's attorney, Mr. Frederick W. Knaak. <br />Mr. Knaak was present at the meeting and discussed with the Planning Commission concerns <br />they had which included the maximum number of people allowed on the site, hours of operation, <br />dust control on the road, and the stacking of cars on Keystone. <br />Robyn Bachmeier, 17191 Keystone Avenue, was present and asked the Planning Commission to <br />take into consideration the impact the business has on the rural neighborhood, especially if it <br />should increase to the capacity allowed by the draft Special Use Permit. <br />The Planning Commission requested a site plan from the Neamy's showing the required parking, <br />sanitary facilities, and area reserved for miniature golf and picnic grounds. <br />Mr. Knaak asked, on behalf of the Neamys, if the Planning Commission would wave all time <br />deadlines and revise the Special Use Permit with conditions that could be agreed upon. <br />Schumann made motion, Peltier seconded, to table consideration of the Special Use Permit for <br />17220 Keystone, and requested the Neamy's provide the Planning Commission with a site plan <br />for their review prior to the next meeting, and directed staff to revise the Special Use Permit <br />according to the evening's discussion. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />