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Planning Commission meeting of February 28, 1996 <br />Page 3 <br />2. The building be brought into conformance with Hugo City Code, Chapter <br />40, and the Uniform Building Code. <br />3. Signs for advertising or business will be located on the site only <br />after a permit has been issued by the City in accordance with Chapter <br />266 of the municipal code. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mr. Richard Schreier, 95 South Owasso Blvd., and Gerald Mogren have <br />requested to subdivide 97 of agriculture zoned property into eight lots. <br />A portion of the property is within the shoreland district of Lake <br />Plaisted. The developer has made application to the Washington County <br />Health Dept. for septic permits for the parcels to be created, but the <br />City has not received notice that such permits have been granted. <br />Wetlands delineations have been performed and are shown on the proposed <br />plat, but no permit has been received from the WC Soil and Water <br />Conservation District. Street access to the lots are proposed from the <br />existing roads, 140th St. and County Rd. 57. Driveway access permits will <br />be required from Washington County for those abutting County Rd. 57. In <br />addition, 140th Street is currently blocked from flood waters from Lake <br />Plaisted. The City is currently working with May Township on the flooding <br />problem, which will likely generate new flood plain elevations for Lake <br />Plaisted. All lots proposed meet the minimum requirements of the City. A <br />previous subdivision plan was submitted to the P.C. on January 24, 1996, <br />at which time the P.C. recommended denial due to one of the lots not <br />meeting road frontage requirements of City subdivision regulations. On <br />February 5, 1996, the city council denied the application. The developers <br />amended their application to combine two lots from the previous plat into <br />one in order to meet the road frontage requirements. The public hearing <br />was called to order, and there were no oral or written comments. It was <br />the consensus of the Commission that the developers had met the "minimum" <br />requirements of the subdivision ordinance, and this subdivision would have <br />been better planned by use of a PUD or clustering. <br />Rubenzer made motion, Schumann seconded, to recommend approval of the <br />subdivision request of Richard Schreier and Gerald Moqren to subdivide 97 <br />acres <br />into eight <br />(8) lots. <br />Approval is subject to the <br />following <br />conditions: <br />1. <br />Approval of <br />the wetland <br />delineations and drainage <br />plan from the <br />Washington <br />County Soil <br />and Water Conservation Service. <br />2. <br />Permits from <br />Washington <br />County Public Works Dept. <br />for all driveways <br />with to access <br />C.R. 57. <br />3. <br />Permits for <br />the installation <br />of septic systems on <br />all lots from the <br />Washington <br />County Health, <br />Environment, and Land Management. <br />4. <br />Payment of <br />the parkland <br />dedication fee in the amount <br />of $4,000.00. <br />VOTING AYE: Agness, Schumann, Rubenzer, Peltier <br />VOTING NAY: Waller and Malaski <br />Motion Carried. <br />