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MINUTES OF THE HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - MARCH 27. 1996 <br />The meeting was called to order by Chairman Peltier at 7:05PM. <br />PRESENT: Agness, Waller, Schumann, Malaski, Kellison, Peltier <br />ABSENT: Rubenzer <br />Motion made by Agness, seconded by Malaski, to approve the Minutes of <br />February 28, 1996 as amended. <br />AYE: Agness, Waller, Schumann, Malaski, Peltier <br />ABSTAIN: Kellison <br />Motion made by Schumann, seconded by Peltier to approve the Planning <br />Commission portion of the Minutes of the March 11, 1996 joint meeting. <br />AYE: Agness, Waller, Schumann, Malaski, Peltier <br />ABSTAIN: Kellison <br />SITE PLAN APPROVAL (WEBER) <br />Peter and Jane Weber, 16120 Harrow Avenue, have requested site plan <br />approval to maintain an existing mobile home as their residence at the <br />above address, as they establish a new residence on the site. Hugo City <br />Code, Chapter 320-5, Subd. B states that there can be no more than one <br />principal building on any given lot. Hugo City Code, Chapter 40-12, <br />indicates that a mobile home permit is available from the City on a <br />temporary basis, for no longer than two years. <br />Pete Weber was present and stated that as security he would like to have <br />the City hold the title card to his mobile home rather than depositing a <br />cash amount in escrow. <br />Motion made by Schumann, seconded by Peltier to recommend approval of the <br />request of Pete Weber, 16120 Harrow Ave., to move a home onto his property <br />while continuing to live in his mobile home subject to the following <br />conditions: <br />1. The property owner deposit in escrow, a cash amount or property, to be <br />agreed upon between the City and the property owner to cover the cost <br />for removal of the mobile home from the property once the new home is <br />completed. <br />2. The permit shall be valid for a period not to exceed two years. <br />3. The property owner sign an Agreement with the City that he/she will <br />agree to pay the City's reasonable costs for disbursement of <br />Attorney's fees, if the owner does not remove the mobile home within <br />the two year period. <br />4. The applicant shall pay a fee of $50.0O to cover the cost of preparing <br />the necessary Agreement. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />1996 WORK PLAN <br />A recommended work plan for the Planning Commission for 1996 was prepared <br />by the administrator and reviewed by the Planning Commission. <br />